

  • 周定之编 著
  • 出版社: 长沙:湖南师范大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787564809676
  • 出版时间:2013
  • 标注页数:384页
  • 文件大小:81MB
  • 文件页数:407页
  • 主题词:英语-自学参考资料


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第1章 名词常见疑难问题解答1

1.1 “Blue stockings are now quite the thing.”是什么意思?1

1.2 “I dreamed a dream.”与“I dreamed.”在意思上有什么区别?2

1.3 “Man is mortal.”是什么意思?为什么可数名词man前不用冠词?3

1.4 air(空气)与其复数形式airs(摆架子)的意思完全不一样,这样的单、复数名词意义各不相同的情况多吗?4


1.6 “What’s the matter?”,“It matters little.”与“Don’t open the door no matter who comes.”这三句中的matter在词性与意义上有什么区别?8

1.7 “Every family in our village owns a television.”与“All my family enjoy music.”这两句中的主语都是family,为什么谓语动词在数上却不一致?10

1.8 “I am friends with him.(我和他交朋友。)”这句话中为什么主语是单数I,表语却是复数friends呢?11

1.9 all kind of books中为什么kind不加-s?12

1.10 “I saw very little of her.”与“I saw him very little.”这两句中的little词义与词性都一样吗?14

1.11 trousers是一般用复数的名词,但在其组合的名词短语中则用单数,如trouser-legs,这有规律可循吗?17

1.12 “His act spoke volumes for his kindness.”这句话中的volumes起什么作用?全句是什么意思?18

1.13在“I see schemer in his eyes.”这句话中的schemer前为什么不加冠词?是否指schemer所具有的抽象意义:诡诈神色?19

第2章 冠词常见疑难问题解答.22

2.1“There came a soldier marching along the highway.”与“There came one soldier marching along the highway.”这两个句子除了a与one不同以外其余用词都是一样的,这两者之间究竟有什么区别?22

2.2 “of an evening,是指一夜还是不止一夜?23

2.3 “ a three months man and wife”,这种“a+数词”的情况常见吗?23

2.4在“He has become a sadder and a wiser man.”与“He is a journalist and an author.”两句中,第一句中的主语与表语指一个人,可形容词前却用了两个不定冠词,第二句中主语与表语同指一个人,但作表语的却有两个带不定冠词的名词。这种用法常见吗?24

2.5 in charge of与in the charge of在意义上有什么区别?26

2.6在“The familiar is comfortable.”中,familiar究竟何所指?27

2.7 “She is the worst of the two.”这句中两个人的比较为什么用最高级?“Plain speaking is best.”这句中的最高级形容词前为什么不加冠词?28

第3章 代词常见疑难问题解答.31

3.1 “It snows.”与“It is long till Christmas.”这两句中的it究竟何所指代?31

3.2 “They run few trains on Sunday.”这句中they指的是谁?31

3.3 for the life of me与for the death of me可以换用for my life与for my death吗?32

3.4 “He thought that it was clear that the plan would fail.”与“He thought it to be clear that the plan would fail.”这两句中的it所指代的作用有否不同?33

3.5 a body all legs是什么意思?34

3.6 “Your and my father are good friends.”这句中的father为什么不用复数?35

3.7 “Who is it?”,中为什么用it代表人?36

3.8 “all.not”是部分否定还是全部否定?37

3.9 “It’s me.”与“between you and I”,是对的吗?38

3.10 “I have made bold to call on him.”这句中的make与bold在句法上是什么关系?39

3.11 “You may rely on it that I shall give you a full account.”句中为什么要加it, it起什么作用?40

3.12 “I close at five.”这句话中的I指代什么?41

3.13 “Anybody can do that if they have a strong will.”这句中的anybody是单数,为什么代词是they?可否用he?43

3.14在对话“-We are having a holiday tomorrow.-Yes, I know.”中,为什么不说“I know it.”呢?在to walk it短语中it何所指?44

3.15 “We desperately needed a rug, so there was nothing for it,headache, baby and all, but to take to my pen.”句中的“headache,与“baby and all”,是什么意思?46

3.16 “I buy me clothes.”中为什么用me代替myself?47

3.17 “Beastly job for you this, isn’t it?”中的this在这句中起什么作用?49

3.18 “Yourself shall see my vigour is not lost.”这行诗里为什么用反身代词作主语?50

3.19 “He stood his ground, and that firmly.”这句话中的and that firmly是什么结构,that起什么作用?52

3.20在“Images may‘rise”to symbolic connotations.But all images are not symbols.”这句中的“All images are not symbols.”与“All the riches in the world would not redeem it.”这两句结构一样,意思似乎相反,对吗?54

3.21 “Whatever he followed it had been without faltering, and therefore without shame and without regret.”这句中的it何所指?56

第4章 关系代词常见疑难问题解答58

4.1“He had four sons that became lawyers.”与“He had four sons, who became lawyers.”这两句有什么区别?意思上有什么不同?58

4.2“That morning we drank more tea than had been our custom.”这句中的than是关系代词吗?59

4.3 “This is the way that we live.”中的that在从句中起什么作用?59

4.4关系代词who, which, that都可指代人或物,有什么区别?60

4.5 “such…as…”与“such as”,有什么不同?62

4.6 “ You are as wise as wise can be.”这句话是什么意思?63

4.7 “ I see around me none but are shipwrecked too.”这句话中的but是什么词性?64

4.8 “As is clear from his accent, he is a northerner.”这句话中的as是什么词性?65

4.9 “It is not everybody can do that.”这句中显然是省去了关系代词that。关系代词在从句中作主语时也可省吗?66

4.10 “There was very little that I wrote up to the time of his leaving London permanently, which I did not discuss with him.”这句话中that和which引导的是两个定语从句,它们是否都说明先行词little?70

第5章 形容词常见疑难问题解答72

5.1 “I wonder any one should believe such a story of so prudent a lady as Miss Nicely.”这句话的含义是说话人对“这故事”不能相信吧?72


5.3 “The book is worth reading.”这句中的worth与 reading是什么句法关系?73

5.4 “If you are man enough, step forward.”这句中的名词man前为什么不加冠词?74

5.5 few与afew, little与alittle有什么区别?75

5.6 icy cold短语中的icy与cold同是形容词,形容词可说明形容词吗?76

5.7为什么elder可加名词复数词尾-s? “She is more proud than vain.”这句话是什么意思?78

5.8 alive与live, alike与like有什么区别?80

5.9在“They go hungry.”中,动词go后面跟的形容词hungry是什么句子成分?81

5.10“I have a basket of flowers.”与“I have a basketful of flowers.”有没有区别?83

5.11 “I left him well.”这句话是什么意思?84

5.12 red hot, freezing cold等短语中形容词或分词说明形容词,这合乎习惯吗?85

5.13“It was better.”,“It was the better.”,“It was all the better.”这三句话的意思完全一样吗?87

第6章 副词常见疑难问题解答91

6.l “Home is the sailor, home from the sea, and the hunter home from the hill.”这句中的home是什么词性,表示“在家”还是“回家”?91

6.2 “He knocked the man out in the fourth round.”这句中的knock后加out是什么意思?92

6.3 “What will a man not do when frantic with love?”这句话省略了什么词吗?完整的句子应该是什么样的?93

6.4 “Let him be the greatest villain in the world, I would not keep from wishing to do some little thing to benefit him.”这句的第一部分在句中起什么作用?94

6.5 fairly, rather与already, yet这两对同义词在语义与用法上有什么异同之点?94

6.6 “Why spend so much money?”这问句中怎么不见主语?97

6.7 “Tom is three times older than his younger brother.”这句中汤姆的年龄是他弟弟年龄的三倍还是四倍?98

6.8 “Then a maid presented herself and none too soon for that same night there was born to the Rymers a third daughter.”这句话中的none too soon是什么意思?98

6.9 ago与before词性与词义一样,用法是否有不同之处?100

6.10 for a long time与long可以互换吗?101

6.11在“A: I don’t think I’m better than them.B: Oh, you are, though.”对话中,B句中的though是什么意思,为什么放在句尾?102

6.12 ever so与never so是正、反义词的结构,在词语意义上也相反吗?103

6.13 “If you so much as ask us to pass the melted butter we will shoot you.”这句话中的so much as是什么短语?105

6.14美国报纸上有一则汽车广告“Arguably the most comfortable .car in existence today.”,这句话中的arguably有两解:“有争议地”与“可证实地”。这样有歧义的词用在广告中合适吗?106

6.15 It is the one turn of the screw too many.”与“He exceeded the speed limit once too often and was fined.”这两句话是什么意思?108

6.16 “Plotwise it seems too coincidental that Nelly should have to .spend three weeks in bed, thus allowing Cathy to visit the Heights undetected.”这句话中的plotwise一词是什么意思?110

6.17 “She began to tie on a clean apron and otherwise prepare herself for going to the shop.”与“He could not act otherwise.”这两句话中都有otherwise一词,且都作副词,但意思显然不同。这个词在第一句中应该如何理解才好?112

6.18在“the sooner the better”,中,the在这种句型中有没有什么意义?116

第7章 介词常见疑难问题解答118

7.1 “I sit with all the windows and the door wide open.”这句中的with起什么作用?118

7.2 “He attacked what he held for evils.”这句中的for该怎么理解?119

7.3 “There was no more need for them to think of parting.”这句中的“for them.”起什么作用?119

7.4 at ten years old这一短语是正确的吗?120

7.5 far from perfect是常见的用语,这种介词后用形容词作宾语的情况普遍吗?122

7.6 “When I was your age.”中,your age之前省去了什么词吗?125

7.7 “I consider him as clever.”这句中的as是介词还是连接词?126

7.8 “He was killed by a falling brick.”这句中的by可以用with代替吗?127

7.9 “I was at a loss what to do.”这句中的at a loss在句中起什么作用?at a loss与what to do是什么句法关系?127

7.10 “It is a mistake for you not to help him.”与“It is kind of you to come and help us.”这两句句型相同,为什么一个是for you,而另一个是of you呢?128

7.11 “With George ever with me I haven’t been able to forget you.”这句的前面一部分中为什么要用两个with?129

7.12 “What did you bring that book I didn’t want to be read to out of up for?”这句话句尾那么多介词、副词,使人看不清全句的意思了,应该怎么译成中文才对?130

7.13 “He sat tailor fashion.”这句话是什么意思?132

7.14 “He advanced straight at you with a fixed from-under stare which made you think of a charging bull.”这句话中的from- under是什么意思?137

7.15 “He was left for dead on the field.”与“He was left dead on the field.”这两句有什么不同?139

7.16“He would look at a shop-girl and tell you to an hour how long it had been since she had eaten anything more nourishing than marshmallows and tea.”这句中的to an hour 指什么?141

第8章 连词常见疑难问题解答144

8.1 “He seemed a foreigner, as in fact he was.”这句中的as是什么词性?144

8.2 “Sincerely as I loathed the man the prodigious strength impressed me.”这句中的as是什么意思?它起什么作用?145

8.3在“As it has rained the ground must be wet.”这句话中的as 引导的是什么从句?145

8.4 “He entered very softly; in part because it was a church; in part because he thought he would surprise Tom.”这句话里的两个in part是什么意思?它们起什么作用?146

8.5 “He talks to me like I was his son.”这句中的like作连接词用是正规的吗?147

8.6 “Come see me.”这个句子中的come后的不定式为什么省去了to?148

8.7 as far as, so far as是起介词作用还是起连接词作用?149

8.8 “He must be ill today because he is absent from school.”这句话中的because为什么一定要改成for?150

8.9 “I had hardly entered the room than he left it.”这句中的than是什么意思?151

8.10 “I’ll try see you later.”这句中的try与see两个动词可以并列用在一起吗?151

8.11 “Fool as he was, he took her word for it.”与“Fool as he is, he never loses his profit out of sight.”这两句的第一部分用词一样而意思似乎相反,为什么?153

8.12 “Each had the marks as of a battle about him-bandaged heads, tied-up arms, a strip of dirty rag round the knee.”这句中的as可以省去吗?155

8.13 “It is an interesting, if untenable, argument.”这句中的if untenable如何理解?156

8.14 “His real name, if you’ll believe me, was C.H.Levison.”这句中的if从句为什么用将来时?158

8.15 “If I stand here, I saw him.”这句中的主、从句时态不同,if从句似乎表达的不是I saw him”,的条件。这句话应如何理解?161

8.16 “They tried to lay down rules for‘English as it should be spoken,.”意为“他们想为‘标准英语”制定规则。”这句中的as 从句该如何分析?166

8.17 “I have never seen the evening star set behind the mountains, but it was as if I had lost a hope out of my soul, as if a love were gone, and a sad memory only remained.”(T.S.Coleridge)这句中的but似乎不是对等连词,它引导的是什么从句?169

第9章 动词常见疑难问题解答172

9.1 “He stooped to kiss her farewell.”这句话该怎么译成中文?kiss的宾语是her还是farewell?172

9.2 “I leave early tomorrow morning.”这句话表示“我明天早晨动身。”为什么动词用现在时?173

9.3我们常用“He has come.”或“He has gone.”,但同时也常见到“He is come.”或“He is gone.”。它们之间有什么区别?173

9.4 “Smokers always drink.”与“Smokers are always drinking.”这两句意思有什么不同?174

9.5 “Nearly thirty shillings was paid for a pound of tea.”这句的主语是复数名词,为什么动词是was?175

9.6“His greatest worry this morning was that the painters haven’t finished the work on his house yet.”这句话中主、从句的时态.为什么不一致?176

9.7“Shakespeare has written(=is the author of) the greatest tragedies the world has ever seen.”这句可译为“莎士比亚写了世人曾见过的最伟大的悲剧。”莎士比亚早已去世,为什么句中用现在完成时态?177

9.8 “She sat herself on a couch.”这句中为什么sit作及物动词,宾语又是反身代词,是否另有含义?178

9.9 “agree+with, about, in, on, to.”这些短语的意思与用法有什么区别?179

9.10 “I had no intention to be rumoured into marriage.”这句话是什么意思?181

9.11 “keep doing sth.”与“keep on doing sth.”可以互换吗?182

9.12 “Newt was seeing love in her eyes now.”这句中的see可用进行时态吗?184

9.13 “You are foolish.”与“You are being foolish.”有什么区别?185

9.14 since(自从)从句中可用哪些不同的时态?有什么区别?186


9.16 “My eardrums are pierced.You outwhistle.”这句中的outwhistle是什么意思?188

9.17 “This play reads better than it acts.”这句话是什么意思?为什么两个谓语动词都是用的主动语态?189

9.18 “She laughed her thanks.”这句中的laugh是不及物动词,这句话成立吗?192

9.19 “He groped his way.”这句话是什么意思?his way是状语还是宾语?193

9.20 “He is going away tomorrow.”句中的谓语与tomorrow在时间上为什么不一致?194


9.22 “I had my hair cut.(我理了发。)”与“I had my leg broken.(我摔断了腿。)”这两句话中的谓语动词一样,但意思却似乎相反,为什么?196

9.23 know, know of及know about之间区别是什么?197

9.24 “The author wills a meaning into a passage that can not sustain it.”这句话是什么意思?198

9.25 “Every room has a telephone.”这个句子对吗?199

9.26 “There lives an old man and his three sons in that house.”这句中的主语是复数,为什么动词用lives?200

9.27 “…She glanced over the London paper just arrived.”这句中的arrived是不及物动词,可以用过去分词形式作定语吗?201

9.28 “I piled(up) books on the desk.”与“I piled the desk with books.”这两句都对吗?202

9.29 “She might have looked her thanks, but she didn’t speak them.”这句中的look与speak都是不及物动词,在什么情况下可以用作及物动词?204

9.30“…the honey-bees seem to‘down-tools’ an hour earlier.”这句中的down-tools似乎是个复合名词,怎么在句中起动词的作用呢?205

9.31“As on the western front, the northern front also saw favourable gains.”这句中northern front是不是拟人化了,所以用saw作其谓语?208

9.32 “Our grammar-witness our verb system-is a marvel of flexibility.”这句话破折号中的部分怎么理解?209

9.33“…the man found he was able to stand and even to walk as well as a dying man might be supposed to walk.”这句话表面上看来是肯定的,实际上又似乎是否定的,应如何理解?210

9.34 “The house is building.”与“The book is printing now.”这两句中的动词都用主动形式表示被动意义,是正常的吗?212

9.35 “I think I should be doing you a service to turn you out of such a place.”这句中的“I should be doing(进行时)”与“I should do”,有什么不同?214

9.36 “I was to have dined with him tomorrow.”这句中的谓语用的是过去时,而时间副词是指将来?不定式为什么用完成时?216

第10章 非谓语动词常见疑难问题解答220

10.1 “Being poor, he could not afford to buy books.”这句中的“Being poor”为简略式的原因状语,那么其非简略式是什么形式呢?220

10.2 “How impossible it would have been to have left him in the lurch.”这句中的不定式为什么用完成时?221

10.3 “My two big sisters having now charge of things in the house makes it much easier for mother.”这句话应该怎么分析?221

10.4 “The case is not easy to judge.”这句中的judge为什么不用被动语态?222

10.5 “Mr.Wilmot now entering, he seemed not a little pleased.”这句中的Mr.Wilmot与主语he是同指一个人吗?not是说明pleased还是说明a little?223

10.6 “I seemed to see a rending and upheaving of all nature.”这句话里有两个词尾为-ing的词,但这两个词前又有冠词,它们是什么词性?224

10.7动名词(gerund)与名动词(verbal noun)是一回事吗?225

10.8 “Society having ordained certain customs, men are bound to obey the laws of society.”这句话中为什么ordain要用完成时having ordained?226

10.9 “I guessed there was some mischief contriving.”这句话中为什么contriving用主动语态-ing形式?227

10.10 “In the silent snow forest, if you dig the snow away, you will find the tiny buds nestling in their white nursery.”这句话最后的分词部分是什么句法成分?227

10.11 “But the constable coming in prevented us.”这句中的coming是分词还是动名词?228

10.12 “Seeing a crowd, I stopped.”这句中的seeing a crowd这一分词短语是什么状语?229

10.13 “I am too happy to speak to you.”与“I am only too happy to speak to you.”这两句意思相同吗?230

10.14 go boating, go hunting这类短语一般都是表示运动或娱乐的吗?232

10.15 see十{不定式/分词有语义上的区别吗?233

10.16 “The path is easy to find.”这句中的find为什么不用to be found?234

10.17 “Let’s go.”与“Let us go..”是一回事吗?236



10.20 “Women are not easily to be read.”这句中使用的“be+不定式”表示什么?人是“读”的对象吗?240

10.21 “The old man could do nothing but move to a small hut.”这句中的but是连接词吗?241

10.22 “Given health, this can be done.”这句中的“given health”是什么意思?242

10.23 “He failed entirely to comprehend it.”这句话可译为:“他完全不理解。”或“他不完全理解。”哪一种说法正确?243

10.24“Looking up the river, the character of the scene was varied.”这句中的looking的主语显然不是character,这种表述方式可接受吗?244

10.25当别人问“Would you mind my smoking here?”时,应怎样回答?246

10.26 “Don’t go telling me lies.”这句话该怎么译成汉语?247

10.27 “There’s no living on this island”这句话是什么意思?247

10.28 “Rifles could be had for the picking.”这句中的for the picking是什么意思?248


10.30 “Caps touched to them in the village could not console them”这个句子中的caps touched to them是什么意思?252

10.31 “The horse would eat anything.why, he’ll eat a desert round himself wherever he is.”这句话的后一部分是什么意思?254

10.32 “The commander’s voice was like thin ice breaking.”这句中把司令员的声音比作薄冰,breaking起什么作用?257

10.33 “All you do now is complete the form.”这句中的complete一词为什么省去了不定式符号to?260

10.34 “-She will not complain herself, I am sure.-She complain!”对话中为什么第二句中的complain不加-s?261

第11章 虚拟语气常见疑难问题解答263

11.1 “The children are all hanging about her as if she was an old acquaintance.”这句中主、从句的时态为什么不一致?263

11.2 “I feel as if there was nothing nice to think of in the world and as if it were easier to begin crying than thinking.”这句中为什么as if连接的两句前后用的都是单数第三人称主语,谓语却一个是was,而另一个是were?264

11.3 “It is high time you started”从句中为什么用过去时?265

11.4 “I desire that she come back ”这句中的come是原形动词吗?266

11.5 “He hid it lest she see it.”这句中的see为什么用动词原形?267

11.6“If rumour be true, everything is possible.”与“If the defendant be found guilty he shall have the right to appeal.”两句中为什么主、从句的语气都不同?268

11.7 “1 would rather you paid me right now.”这句中的pay为什么是paid?268

11.8 “His presence would have added only another and a needless agony to the last moments of the dying man.”这句话用的是假设语气,但没用条件从句,如果把条件表示出来,该怎样表达呢?269

第12章 助动词常见疑难问题解答275

12.1 “Death is certain to all, all shall die.”这句中的shall表示什么?275

12.2 “I will do it for you.”与“I shall be glad to do it for you.”这两句有什么不同,意思完全一样吗?276

12.3 dare既是助动词,又是实义动词,它们的用法是怎样的?277

12.4 would与used to都可指过去的习惯,这两个词语是不是可以在任何这类情况下换用?278

12.5 “They must be twins.”这句中must的词义是什么?279

12.6“Truth will out.”、“Boys will be boys.”与“Will the ice bear?”这三句中的will是什么意思?280

12.7 “He can be very patient.”这句中的can是什么意思?281

12.8 can与to be able to是同义语,为什么“I was able to finish the work by ten o’clock.”这句中的was able to不能用could代替呢?282

12.9不定式常用在to be之后,这种结构除了表示“将来”的意义之外,还有其他什么意思?283

第13章 动词的体常见疑难问题解答286

13.1什么叫动词的体性(the Aspect)?286

13.2 “He is always hearing rumours.”这句话是什么意思?288

13.3“You have written that letter for two hours.”与“You have looked after that baby for two hours.”这两句话都正确吗?288

13.4“The earth carried to the field is being leveled.”与“The earth being carried to the field will be leveled.”这两句话表达的内容及时态有什么异同?289

13.5 “The train continued its halting progress up the bank of the river.”这句中的halting progress两词的意义相反,怎么用在一起?290

13.6 “He has been ill.”与“He has fallen ill.”的意义有区别吗?291

13.7 “They have built the house for two years.”这句话有错,错在哪里?291

13.8“The tool held in his hand is very useful.”与“The tool bought by him is very useful.”两句中的分词短语改为定语从句时为什么就会用“which he is holding in his hand”与“which he has bought”,不同的时态呢?292

13.9 “The surgeon designs to frighten a little money out of him.(外科医生打算吓唬得他从口袋里掏出点钱来。)”这句中的frighten是什么动词体?293

13.10 “I could hear a door slam.”这句中的slam为什么要改为slamming?294

13.11 “We have sports after classes are over.”这句话中用after似乎不合逻辑,是否应改为when才对?295

13.12一般来说,瞬间动词不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,但为什么又常有“He has come here for a few weeks.”一类的句子呢?297

13.13一般认为“I have gone there.”这种句子不对,但有时在书上可能会看到这种句子。这是为什么?299

13.14“Hundreds of the cars have been taken out of service because their undercarriages have been cracking.”这句话的从句中为什么要用完成进行时?300

13.15 “I won’t have you(smoke? smoking?) at your age.”这道填空题哪个答案正确?303

第14章 意象常见疑难问题解答305


14.2 “The area was crawling with the police.”这句中的area,crawl与police三者有什么联系?306

14.3 “The train snaked its way in the mountains.”这句中的snake与train有什么联系?307

14.4 “Shells were rained on us.”这句中的rain喻指什么?309

14.5“…foreheads knitted into the likeness of the gallows-rope.”是明喻吗?311

14.6 “Hunger stared down from the smokeless chimneys.”这句中的主语为什么是“饥饿”?313

14.7契诃夫是俄国名作家。在“He threw Chekhov into the fire.”这句中Chekhov是什么意思?314

14.8 “A narrow winding street.all peopled by rags and night-caps and all smelling of rags and nightcaps.”(C.Dickens)这句话该怎么译,是用的什么修辞手段?315

14.9 unsheltered night这一短语中词语搭配合适吗?316

14.10“…a boy clad in ash-color and bearing an olive branch.”这句中的“肩负橄榄枝”有什么含义没有?318

第15章 其他英语常见疑难问题解答320

15.1 “Grossjay darted up to her a nose ahead of the colonel.”这句中的a nose是什么意思?320

15.2 hand and foot, night and day等都是习用短语吗?321

15.3 “I shall do it the first thing tomorrow morning.”这句中的the first thing是不是起状语的作用?322

15.4 “A healthy merry child, she did not much care for dress or eating.”这句中的a healthy merry child是不是she的同位语?323

15.5 “This is a good opportunity, you should not let slip it.”这道改错题错在哪里?323

15.6 not to mention, let alone, to say nothing of这三个短语都可译为“更不必说”,它们可以互换吗?325

15.7 “Unlucky in love, lucky at play.”这句话是什么意思?326

15.8“…one poor girl who had either drowned herself, or rather what was more probable, had been drowned by him.”这句中的what引导的是什么从句?327

15.9 “Handsome is as handsome does.”这句话可译为:“行为美才是真美。”但这句话该怎么理解与分析?328

15.10 “I’m making money hand over fist.”这句中的hand over fist 是什么意思?329

15.11 “He stood, hat in hand.”这句中的hatin hand是什么结构?330

15.12 “But me no buts.”这句话是什么意思?331

15.13 “Nobody prevents you, do they?”这句中的主语是单数,为什么反意疑问句中的人称代词用they呢?332

15.14“He couldn’t get in a word.”与“Don’t knock over the chairs.”这两句中的in与over是介词还是副词?333

15.15“…his face still shone with gladness…But added to this was a quality not so prominent before.”第二句中的主谓语为什么要颠倒过来?334

15.16 “Not often were the whole of the boys assembled in the hall.”这一句为什么用倒装句式?336

15.17 “Miss Amelia Sedley.but had many charming qualities which that pompous old Minerva of a woman could not see.”这句中的“that pompous old Minerva of a woman”,是什么意思?337

15.18“He invited Wild home with him to breakfast, which our hero with no great difficulty consented to.”中有人把with no great difficulty译成“毫不迟疑地”,这切合原意吗?339

15.19 “We must all hang together, or we shall hang separately.”这句话是什么意思?341

15.20 “We are waging war and peace.”这句中的同一个谓语wage后为什么可以同时用两个意义相反的宾语呢?343

15.21 “I won’t stay there all the winter.”这句话的意思是“我不会在那里待上整个一冬。”还是“我整个一冬都不会待在那里。”?345

15.22 “You seldom go to town,?”这句中的附加问句应是怎样的?347

15.23“…for there was that in her eyes that made her meaning clear.”这句中的there is句型中可以用that作主语吗?350

15.24“He walked as far as 40 miles.”,“It is as many as 20 miles.”与“A swarm of locusts may be as much as 60 miles wide.”这三句中同样表示距离的短语为什么有不同的表达方式?352

15.25 “It is more than kind of you both.”这句中的more than kind是什么意思?353

15.26 “He grew up a rake.”这句中的rake在句中起什么作用?355

15.27 “Now he is expected to go one better over today’s 1500-meter race.”这句中的go one better是什么意思?356

15.28“Outside, the pitiless rain fell, steadily with a fierce malignity, that was all too human.”这句中的雨与all too human有什么关联?358

15.29 not half bad是“很好”的意思,那么not half good是不是“很坏”的意思?359

15.30莎士比亚剧中有这样一句“I’ll die for it, but some woman had the ring.”,这里的but应如何理解?362

15.31 “He came on Sunday week”这句中他究竟是哪一天来的?365

15.32 more than 20 books, 20 more books与20 books more这三个短语在意义上有什么区别?368

15.33“I am not a fool.”与“I am no fool.”,“I have not any books.”与“I have no books.”每组的两句之间有什么区别?373

15.34 “She could not have had graven on her heart a vision more indelible.”这句中的have had graven是否为印刷错误?377

15.35 “She had quite lost her way in the fields and might as well go in one direction as another for aught she knew.”这句话是什么意思?379

15.36 “He might have come in from the next street and left them only yesterday for all the curiosity they exhibited.”这句中的for all与前面所谈的for all I know中的for all意思相同吗?382
