

  • 黄运亭主编 著
  • 出版社: 广州:广东高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:7536125593
  • 出版时间:2001
  • 标注页数:203页
  • 文件大小:5MB
  • 文件页数:216页
  • 主题词:市场营销学


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Dialogue1 Economic and Trade cooperation Transnational Corporations in GET1

对话一 广州经济技术开发区的经贸合作和跨国公司1

Dialogue2 Basic Thinking of Guangzhou s 10th Five-Year Plan10

对话二 广州市“十五”计划基本思路10

Dialogue3 Projects Encouraged to Be Invested by Foreign Enterprises20

对话三 鼓励外商投资的项目20

Dialogue4 Projects to Be Restricted or Prohibited for Foreign Enterprises25

对话四 限制、禁止外商投资的项目25

Dialogue5 Industrial Policies of Guangzhou31

对话五 广州产业政策31

Dialogue6 Preferential Policies of GET and GZNHID36

对话六 广州经济技术开发区和广州高新技术产业开发区的优惠政策36

对话七 广州保税区和广州天河软件园的优惠政策44

Dialogue7 Preferential Policies of GZBZ and GZTSP44

Dialogue8 Preferential Policies of GZNSETDZ55

对话八 广州南沙经济技术开发区的优惠政策55

Dialogue9 Procedures for Examination and Approval of Joint Venture and Cooperative Enterprises61

对话九 合资企业和合作企业的审批程序61

Dialogue10 Procedures for Examination and Approval of Solely-Foreign-Funded Enterpries71

对话十 外资独资企业的审批程序71

Dialogue11 Management of Imported Commodities within Investment Amount79

对话十一 投资额内进口商品的管理79

Dialogue12 Management of Imported Commodities for Producing Products to Be Sold on Domestic Markets83

对话十二 生产内销产品而进口的商品的管理83

Dialogue13 Management of Proessing Trade86

对话十三 加工贸易的管理86

Dialogue14 Management of Export90

对话十四 出口管理90

对话十五 出入境商品检验和检疫95

Dialogue15 Inspection and Quarantine of Import and Export Commodities95

Dialogue16 Health Quarantine, Animal and Plant Quarantine101

对话十六 卫生检疫和动植物检疫101

Dialogue17 Documents for Tax Registration108

对话十七 税务登记申办资料108

Dialogue18 Procedures for Tax Registration115

对话十八 税务登记程序115

Dialogue19 Preferential Policies in Withheld Income Tax and Local Income Tax119

对话十九 预提所得税和地方所得税优惠政策119

Dialogue20 Finance and Accounting128

对话二十 财务与会计128

Dialogue21 Foreign Exchange Control137

对话二十一 外汇管理137

Dialogue22 Environment Protection in the Phase of Site Selection145

对话二十二 选址阶段的环境保护145

对话二十三 报建阶段的环境保护151

Dialogue23 Environmental Protection in the Phase of Application for Construction151

Dialogue24 Environmental Protection in the Inspection and Acceptance at Completion Phase157

对话二十四 竣工验收阶段的环境保护157

Dialogue25 Application for Pollution-Discharge Permit162

对话二十五 申办企业排污许可证162

Dialogue26 Construction Site Permit Procedures166

对话二十六 建设用地许可程序166

Dialogue27 Construction Land Requisition Procedures174

对话二十七 建设用地征用程序174

Dialogue28 Application Control of a Construction Project180

对话二十八 建筑工程申报管理180

Dialogue29 Management of Labor and Human Resources187

对话二十九 劳动人事管理187

Dialogue30 Management of the Foreigners Entry198

对话三十 外籍人士入境管理198
