

  • ISBN:
  • 出版时间:2004
  • 标注页数:312页
  • 文件大小:14MB
  • 文件页数:328页
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Chapter 1 Introduction1

Internationalization of Competition Laws: Levels of Diversities&Ulrich Immenga3

1. The Issue3

2. The ICN and Divergences in the Notification of Mergers4

3. Levels of Divergences4

4. Rules Aimed against Clear Anticompetitive Behavior5

5. Rules Resulting from Specific Views of Competition Policy5

6. Rules Which Reflect Conflicting Policies, in Particular Political Interests6

7. Rules of Enforcement Policies and Sanctions7

8. Rules Related to National Cultures and Traditions8

9. Conclusions9

10. References10

Chapter 2 Speeches by Representatives of Foreign Competition Authorities11

Competition, Trade and Development Before and After Cancun&Frederic Jenny13

1. Cases of International Cartels13

1.1 Cement in Egypt13

1.2 The Aluminum cartel15

1.3 The heavy electrical equipment cartel17

1.4 How can Egypt deal with these cases17

2. The Importance of Transnational Anti-competitive Practices for Developing Countries18

3. Two Approaches to the Problem of Externalities Due to International Anti-competitive Practices20

4. Possible Remedies22

5. The State of Play before Cancun26

6. The Cancun Ministerial Conference29

7. Conclusion33

Regional Cooperation Between Competition Authorities&Ulf Boge37

1. Problematics37

2. Forms of cooperation38

2.1 Institutional Cooperation39

2.2 Case-specific Cooperation39

3. Regional Cooperation as a Catalyst40

4. Closing Remark41

Canadian Perspectives on International Competition Cooperation&Sally Southey43

1. Introduction43

2. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)44

3. The International Competition Network (ICN)45

4. Cooperation through Bilateral Arrangements46

5. Merger Review47

6. Anti-Cartel Activity47

7. Conclusion48

Current Development of Competition Law and Policy in Indonesia&Pande Radja Silalahi49

1. Introduction49

2. Trend in Competition Law and Policy in Indonesia50

3. Implementation of Competition Law54

4. Conclusion56

5. References57

Chapter 3 Globalization and the Development of Competition Framework59

Globalization and the Competition Analytical Framework: Some Mexican Experiences&Pascual Garcia Alba61

1. General Relationships between Globalization and Economic Policy62

2. Globalization and the Competition Analytical Framework62

3. General Characteristics of the Relevant Market65

3.1 Method used by some competition authorities to determine the relevant market66

3.2 An alternative method to determine relevant markets68

3.3 Geographical dimension of the relevant market70

4. Concentration Analysis (Concentration Indexes)71

4.1 Limitations of the concentration indexes71

4.2 Market shares for the computation of concentration indexes72

4.3 Concentration indexes used by the Mexican authority72

4.3.1 The Herfindahl index73

4.3.2 The Dominance index73

4.4 Incomplete information73

4.5 Index thresholds for merger analyses74

4.6 Exceptions to the thresholds74

4.7 Advantages of the dominance index74

5. Final Remark75

Competition Policy as Welfare-Enhancing Complement to Trade LiberaIization: A United States Perspective&Alden F. Abbott77

1. Introduction77

2. Antitrust and Trade Policy78

3. International Antitrust: Growth and Harmonization80

4. Conclusion88

Globalization and Development of Competition Policy in the Russian Federation&Alexander B. Letin89

Refreshed Approaches to the Development of Global Competition Framework&Changfa Lo93

1. Introduction93

2. Some Background of the Efforts toward Establishing a Multilateral Competition Framework under the WTO94

3. Previous Approaches and Thoughts on the Interactions between Trade and Competition Policy96

4. The Whys and Wherefores for the Differences96

5. Basic Ideas of Alternative Approaches99

5.1 To consider giving up the idea of a single competition agreement99

5.2 To cope only with trade related aspect of competition matters101

5.3 To promote some approaches and to establish “Understandings” or “Decisions” in some areas101

5.3.1 To continue sectoral approach used under the GATS101

5.3.2 To consider soft rules102

5.3.3 To expand the prevention of abuse of monopolies under the GATS to GATT and TRIPS Agreement102

5.3.4 To include positive comity provisions under the GATT and TRIPS Agreement104

5.3.5 To provide incentives through authorizations105

6. Concluding Remarks106

Chapter 4 Competition Framework for Technological Innovation107

Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Law - Making Them Co-Exist&John Martin109

1. Introduction109

2. Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Law110

3. Australian Intellectual Property Policy Issues111

3.1 Australia Competition Law and the Role of the ACCC112

3.1.1. Intellectual Property Rights and the TPA112

3.2 Review of Australian Intellectual Property and Competition Law113

3.3 Refining the Exemption Provisions Section 51(3) of the Trade Practices Act114

3.4 Copyright Collecting Societies115

4. Parallel Imports116

4.1 Changes to the Law117

4.2 Parallel importing of sound recordings117

4.2.1. Court cases117

4.2.2. Price surveys119

4.3 Parallel imports of books and computer software120

4.3.1. Books121

4.3.2. Computer software122

4.4 Regional playback control systems122

4.4.1 Court case123

5. Conclusions124

Appendix A - International Guidelines on Intellectual Property Licensing125

Appendix B - Australasian Performing Rights Association128

Patents and Standards&Christopher Heath131

1. Introduction131

2. Standards, Standard Setting and Competition132

2.1 Standards132

2.2 The effect of standards132

2.3 Standard Setting Organizations (SSOs)133

2.4 Standard Setting133

3. Patents and Competition134

3.1 Patents134

3.2 The relationship between intellectual property and antitrust today135

4. Standard Setting Policies and Patents138

4.1 Conduct by SSOs138

4.2 Conduct by Patentees141

5. Future Course of Action144

5.1 For SSOs144

5.2 For competition authorities145

5.3 For the legislature145

Policy Issues in Efficient Collaboration Through a Patent Pool&Sadao Nagaoka147


1. Introduction147

2. Major Structural Features of Recent Patent Pools148

3. Standard Bodies and Patent Pools149

4. Constraints on Efficient Collaboration in Complementary Patents150

5. Policy Issues for Efficient Collaboration152

5.1 Ground for policy interventions152

5.2 Standard policy153

5.3 Competition and IPR policy toward an outsider153

6. Reference154

A Discussion of the Relationship Between the Patent Law and the Fair Trade Law in Taiwan with a Review of the Philips CD-R Decisions&Ming-Yan Shieh155

1. Introduction155

2. Relevant Regulations in Taiwan156

2.1 The Exception under Article 45 of Fair Trade Law156

2.2 Taiwan’s Rules for Review of Technology Licensing Arrangement Cases by the Fair Trade Commission157

2.2.1 Examples of provisions which are NOT in violation of the Law157

2.2.2 Examples of provisions which ARE in violation of the Law159

2.2.3 Examples of provisions which MAY be in violation of the Law160

3. Philips Electronics et al161

3.1 Facts161

3.2 Taiwan’s FTC Philips decisions161

3.3 Relevant issues162

4. Relevant Markets for CD-R Technologies163

4.1 Goods markets, technology markets, and innovation markets163

4.2 Markets for CD-R163

5. The Patent Pool as a Special Form of Patent Licensing164

6. The Treatment of Patent Pools under the Fair Trade Law165

6.1 The U.S. Regulations Concerning Patent Pools165

6.2 Patent pools and market power166

6.3 The Effect of closed patent pools on competition167

6.4 Patent pools involving technologies concerning standard specifications and the effect on competition167

7. Patent Pools and Concerted Actions168

7.1 Concerted actions under Taiwan’s Fair Trade Law169

7.2 Determining whether enterprises are in horizontal competitive relationship with one another170

7.3 Concerted actions restricting business activities172

8. Patent Pools and the Abuse of Market Power172

8.1 Determining monopoly status173

8.2 Abuse of market power174

9. Conclusion174

Technological Innovation, the Knowledge-Based Economy and Competition Policy&George Jyh-yih Hsu177

1. Introduction177

2. Characteristics of a Knowledge-based Economy’s Business Development and Market Competition178

2.1 Increase in enterprise size179

2.2 Collaboration among enterprises179

2.3 Virtual enterprises180

2.4 Shortening the business and product life-span cycles180

2.5 Fuzzy and boundless market181

3. Challenges and Responses to Competition Policy181

3.1 Monopolies181

3.2 Mergers184

3.3 Concerted actions187

3.4 Unfair competition190

4. Corresponding Actions of the Taiwan Fair Trade Commission in the Era of the Knowledge-Based Economy192

4.1 Background to the Taiwan Fair Trade Commission192

4.2 Carrying out the “Building a Fair Competitive Environment for the Knowledge-Based Economy” project194

4.3 Reform of merger controls to enhance enterprise competitiveness195

4.4 Strengthening cooperation with related institutions to protect intellectual property198

4.5 Promotion of the concept of fair trade to establish the culture of competition198

5. Conclusion199

6. References201

Chapter 5 Competition Framework for Financial Reform203

Korea’s Competition Framework in the Financial Industry&Nam-Kee Lee205

1. Introduction205

2. Progress of the Korean Financial Industry206

2.1 Growth-oriented Financial System206

2.2 Financial deregulation207

2.3 Structural reform208

3. Applying the Competition Law in the Financial Sector208

3.1 Expanding the application of the competition law208

3.2 Competition law enforcement in the financial sector210

4. M&As in Banking Industry212

4.1 Situation212

4.2 Procedure of M&A notification and review213

4.3 Investigation of the bank M&As214

4.3.1 Definition of the relevant market214

4.3.2 Analyzing the adverse competitive effects216

4.3.3 Efficiency219

5. Conclusion220

6. References220

Taiwan’s Financial Reforms and Competition&Len-yu Liu223

1. Introduction223

2. Analysis of Major Financial Issues in Taiwan224

2.1 Over competition resulting in low market shares224

2.2 Less profit due to increased market competition225

2.3 Poor general economic climate affects credits and asset quality225

2.4 Rise of financial groups poses challenges to financial supervision225

3. Financial Reform Legislation226

3.1 Formulation of the Law Governing Merger of Financial Institutions226

3.2 Promulgation of the Financial Holding Company Law228

4. Issues Relating to Competition Law229

4.1 Principles governing threshold and review of mergers of Financial Institutions in Taiwan229

4.2 Financial Holding Companies and the filing for merger231

4.3 Confidentiality measures and disclosure of trade information231

4.4 Regulations on cross selling232

4.5 Issues on Financial innovation and tie-in233

4.5.1 Money management account (MMA)233

4.5.2 Trust and insurance funds234

4.5.3 Are the MMA and trust insurance funds tie-ins prohibited by the Fair Trade Law?235

4.5.4 Establishing a fair competition environment between financial subsidiaries under the nancial holding company (FHC) structure and the non-FHCs structured nancial institutions237

5. Conclusion238

Chapter 6 Competition Framework for Developing Economies and Technical Assistance239

A Competition Framework for Developing Economies and Technical Assistance&Bernard J. Phillips241

1. Introduction241

2. Why OECD Countries are Embracing Increased Competition and More Efficient and Flexible Regulation242

3. Competition and Efficiency as a Coherent Framework for All Economic and Regulatory Policy Making247

4. Striking the Right Balance between Competition and Regulation248

4.1 General suggestions248

4.2 Getting the right structure249

4.3 Establishing the right rules249

4.4 Creating the right institutions250

5. Building Capacity to Pursue a Strong Competition Policy252

5.1 Building a competition culture252

5.2 Creating an effective competition law enforcement regime253

5.3 Cooperation and capacity building254

6. Conclusion255

Appendix A-OECD Policy Recommendations on Regulatory Reform255

Appendix B-APEC Principles to Enhance Competition and Regulatory Reform258

Reconciling Competition Policy with Development Policies:The Case of Malaysia&Lee Kam Swee261

1. Introduction261

2. Reconciling Competition Policy and Development Policies262

3. Characteristics of the Malaysian Economy263

3.1 Small economy263

3.2 Regional Separation and disparity263

3.3 Open economy263

3.4 Market structure264

4. Development Policies in Malaysia264

4.1 Industrial policy264

4.2 Trade policy264

4.3 Privatization policy264

4.4 Socio Economic Policy265

5. Formulating A Competition Policy Framework for Malaysia266

5.1 Objectives of the Fair Trade Practices Policy266

5.2 Scope of the Fair Trade Practices Policy266

5.3 Content of the Fair Trade Practices Policy266

5.4 Institutions of the Fair Trade Practices Policy267

6. Conclusions268

Competition Law in Indonesia: Framework and Technical Assistance&Syamsul Maarif269

1. Introduction269

2. Framework270

2.1 Goals270

2.2 Coverage270

2.3 Market power and standard of violation271

2.4 Exceptions271

2.5 Agency: the KPPU271

2.6 The police and public prosecutor272

2.7 The court272

2.8 Time limit272

3. Technical Assistance (TA)273

4. Conclusion275

Annex - Roundtable Discussion277


Table of Cases307

Table of Treaties, Statutes, Codes and Laws309
