

  • 刘超先主编 著
  • 出版社: 长沙:湖南出版社
  • ISBN:7543812444
  • 出版时间:1996
  • 标注页数:530页
  • 文件大小:15MB
  • 文件页数:542页
  • 主题词:


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Ⅰ.Assorted Commercial and Trade Terms 分类商贸术语1

1.Commerce 商业1

1.1 Commercial Personnel 商业人员1

1.2 Price 价格2

1.3 Quality,Quantity and Sample 品质、数量与样品5

1.4 Packing 包装6

1.5 Packing Material 包装材料8

1.6 Stock and Transportation 库存与运输9

1.7 Advertising 广告11

1.8 Auction and Tender 拍卖与投标12

1.9 Commercial Malpractice 商业非法行为13

2.Foreign Trade 外贸14

2.1 International Trade 国际贸易14

2.2 Import 进口16

2.3 Export 出口17

2.4 Policies and Measures Commonly Adopted in World Trade 世界贸易中常见政策和措施18

2.5 Foreign Trade Organs and Personnel 对外贸易机构与人员21

2.6 Market Research 市场调研22

2.7 Enquiry and Offer 询盘与发盘24

2.8 Price Terms 价格条件26

2.9 Sale and Purchase 销售与购买27

2.10 Order 订单29

2.11 Treaties,Agreements and Contracts 条约、协定与合同30

2.12 Fees and charges 费用33

2.13 Shipping 航运34

2.14 Ship Chartering 租船37

2.15 Cargo Transportation Documents 货运单据38

2.16 Cargo 货物39

2.17 Loading and Unloading 装卸船40

2.18 Shipment and Delivery 装运与交货41

2.19 Settlement of Payments and Payment 结算与支付44

2.20 Agency,Distribution and Commission 代理、经销与佣金46

2.21 Inspection 商检48

2.22 Claim 索赔49

2.23 Dispute and Arbitration 争议与仲裁52

3.Customhouse 海关53

4.Insurance 保险57

5.Terms for Border Formalities 边境手续用语61

6.Finance 财政金融64

6.1 Budget 预算64

6.2 Revenue and Expenditure 收入和支出65

6.3 Taxation 税收67

6.4 Stocks and Bonds 股票与证券69

6.5 Capital、Fund and Profit 资本、资金与利润71

6.6 Finance and Currency 金融与货币74

6.7 Balance of International Payments 国际收支平衡77

7.1 Bank 银行79

7.Banking 银行业79

7.2 Deposit and Bills 存款与票据80

7.3 Letter of Credit 信用证82

7.4 Credit,Trust and Mortgage 信贷、信托与抵押84

7.5 Foreign Exchange 外汇86

7.6 Accounting,Bookkeeping and Auditing 会计、簿记与审计89

8.Railway Transportation 铁路交通运输91

8.1 Railway Station 火车站91

8.2 Freight Terminal 货运站93

8.3 Trucking 货车运输93

9.1 Port 港口94

9.Shipping 航运94

9.2 Powered Vessels 机动船舶95

9.3 Cargo Handling 货物处理97

9.4 Containerized Traffic 集装箱运输98

9.5  Cargo Marks and Cargo Damage 货物标志和货物残损100

9.6 River Traffic 内河交通101

10.Post and Telegraph 邮电102

10.1 Postal System 邮政系统102

10.2 Postal Service 邮政业务103

10.3 Postage and Stamps 邮资与邮票104

10.4 Telegraph 电报105

10.5 Telex 电传107

10.6 Telephone 电话108

11.General 综合110

Ⅱ.Commonly-used Sentence Patterns for Writing Business Letters and Telegrams 常用商贸函电句型137

1.Commonly-used Sentence Patterns for Business Letter Writing 常用商贸信函句型137

1.1 Opening Sentence Patterns 开头句137

1.2 Establishing Business Relations 建立贸易关系140

1.3 Enquiries 询盘145

1.4 Offers 发盘146

1.5 Counteroffers 还盘148

1.6 Terms of Payment 付款条件152

1.7 Establishment and Amendment of L/C 信用证的开立与修改153

1.8?Packing and Shipment 包装与运输156

1.9 Agency 代理164

1.10 Complaints and Claims 投诉与索赔167

1.11 Insurance 保险175

1.12 Request and Advice 请求与建议177

1.13 Invitation 邀请180

1.14 Order and Purchase 订货与购买180

1.15 Selling 销售181

1.16 Settlement and Payment 结算与付款182

1.17 Confirming 确认183

1.18 Requesting Samples 索取样品184

1.19 Introducing Products 介绍产品185

1.21 Credit 信贷186

1.20 Inspection 商检186

1.22 Capital and Benefit 资本与利润187

1.23 Tax 税收188

1.24 Price 价格189

1.25 Quality and Quantity 品质与数量192

1.26 Market Research 市场调研193

1.27 Stock 库存197

1.28 Expressing Thanks 致谢197

1.29 Agreements 协议198

1.30 Financial Standing 资信情况200

1.31 Informing 通知203

1.33 Stocks and Bonds 股票与证券205

1.32 Advertising and Promotion 广告与促销205

1.34 Dispute and Arbitration 争议与仲裁206

1.35 Expressing Regret 表示遗憾208

1.36 Import 进口210

1.37 Export 出口210

1.38 Bank 银行211

1.39 Miscellaneous Commercialisms 其他商业用语212

1.40 Closing Phrases and Sentences 结尾用语与句型223

2.Commonly-used Telegram Sentence Patterns 常用电报句型226

2.1 Informing Sb.of Sth. 通知有关事宜226

2.2 Seeking Advice 询问、请示229

2.3 Request and Suggestion 要求与建议231

2.4 Reply 回复235

Ⅲ.A Glossary of Assorted Commodities 分类商品名称240

1.Assortment of Commodities 商品类别240

2.Miscellaneons Household Items 家用杂品244

3.Bed Clothes 床上用品248

4.Clothing 服装249

5.Shoes and Hats 鞋帽252

6.Cotton Textiles 棉纺织品254

7.Linen 麻织品257

8.Woolen Fabrics 毛织品257

9.Silk Fabrics 丝织品257

10.Chemical Fabrics 化纤258

11.Carpets 地毯259

12.Peltry 皮货260

13.Bicycle and Motorcycle 自行车与摩托车261

14.Lighting Apparatus 灯具262

15.Household Electrical Appliance 家用电器264

16.Domestic Hardwares 小五金267

17.Kitchen Utensils 厨具271

18.Tablewares 餐具273

19.Tea Set 茶具274

20.Cleaning and Sanitary Wares 清洁卫生用具275

21.Photography 摄影276

22.Hair Dressing 理发281

23.Bath 沐浴283

24.Washing and Dyeing 洗染284

25.Glasses 眼镜285

26.Timepiece 钟表286

27.Furniture 家具288

28.Toys 玩具290

29.Foodstuff 粮292

30.Condiment 调味品293

31.Salted and Soy Preserved Vegetables 酱菜294

32.Acquatic Products 水产品295

33.Birds,Games and Eggs 禽蛋野味297

34.Meat 肉类298

35.Vegetable 蔬菜299

36.Bean Products 豆制品301

37.Delicacies from the South 南货302

38.Biscuit 饼干303

39.Wine 酒304

40.Tea 茶306

41.Tobacco 烟草308

42.Preserved Fruit,Roasted Seeds and Nuts 蜜饯、炒货308

43.Canned Foods. 罐头309

44.Sweets 糖果313

45.Flowers and Plants 花草315

46.Trees 树木318

47.Birds 鸟类319

48.Gold Fish 金鱼320

49.Items Concerned with Flowers,Plants,Fish and Birds 花草鱼鸟用具321

50.Arts and Crafts 工艺美术322

51.Jewellery and Precious Stone 珠宝玉石327

52.Painting,Calligraphy and Epigraphy 金石书画330

53.Antique(Art)Pottery and Porcelain 仿古(艺术)陶瓷333

54.Chinese Crude Drugs 中药材338

55.Medical Equipment 医疗器材343

56.Stationery 文具用品344

57.Musical Instruments 乐器349

58.Sports Articles 体育用品352

59.Building Material 建筑材料356

60.Fuel 燃料359


1 Commonly-used Abbreviations 常用缩略语361

2 Abbreviations and Combinations Commonly Used in Telegram and Telex 电报电传常用缩略、缩合语459

3 Countries(Regions)and Telex Code 各国(地区)电传代码469

4 Chinese Economic and Trade Organizations 中国经济贸易组织471

5 International Economic and Trade Organiza-tions 国际经济贸易组织479

6 World Currencies 世界货币482

7 Countries(Regions)and Their Population,Area and Telephone Numbers 世界各国(地区)人口、面积与电话区号499

8 Civil Aircraft Nationality Markings 民航飞机国籍标志503

9 Countries(Regions)and Their Capitals and Ma-jor Ports 世界各国(地区)首都和主要港口508

10 Table of Measures and Weights 度量衡表526
