

  • 戴抗选,谢百魁译 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
  • ISBN:7500103514
  • 出版时间:1996
  • 标注页数:595页
  • 文件大小:13MB
  • 文件页数:617页
  • 主题词:暂缺


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《左传》Zuo Zhuan(Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals)2

1介之推不言禄Jie Zhitui Claimed No Reward2

《齐语》Qi Yu(Records of the State of Qi)6

2鲍叔荐管仲Bao Shu Recommended GuanZhong6

《战国策》Zhanguo Ce(Warring States Records)10

3邹忌讽齐王纳谏Zou Ji Prevailed upon theKing of Qi to Welcome Remonstrances10

4触龙说赵太后How the Queen Dowager ofZhao Was Persuaded by Chulong14

5冯谖客孟尝君Feng Yuan as Retainer ofPrince Mengchang20

6苏秦始将连横说秦惠王(《战国策·秦策一》节选)The Vicissitudes of the Life of Su Qin28

《庄子》Zhuangzi(Zhuangzi)7庖丁解牛How a Butcher Dissected an Ox32

8秋水Autumnal Floods36


9鱼我所欲也Fish Is What I Desire40

《楚辞》Chu Ci(Writings of the State of Chu)42

10卜居Qu Yuan Sought to be Enlightened by a Diviner42

《吕氏春秋》Lüshi Chunqiu(Master Lü's Springand Autumn Annals)11去私Selflessness46

《晏子春秋》Yanzi Chunqiu(Spring and AutumnAnnals of Yanzi)50

12晏子使楚Yan Ying as Ambassador to Chu50

13过秦论On the Cause of Ruin of the QinEmpire54

(二)汉代HAN DYNASTY贾谊JiaYi54

14论贵粟疏On the Importance of GrainProduction62

晁错Chao Cuo62

司马迁Sima Qian72

15鸿门宴(《史记·项羽本纪》节选)The Feast atHongmen72

16荆轲刺秦王(《史记·刺客列传》节选)Jing Ke'sAttempt on the Life of the King of Qin80

褚少孙Chu Shaosun104

17西门豹治邺Ximen Bao's JudiciousAdministration of Ye County104

诸葛亮Zhuge Liang110

18前出师表Memorial to the Emperor Beforethe Northern Expedition110

19陈情表Memorial to the Emperor StatingMy Case118



王羲之Wang Xizhi124

20兰亭集序Preface to the Lanting Collection124


21 归去来辞Sentiments on My Homecoming128

22桃花源记The Peach Blossom Source132

吴均Wu Jun136

23与宋元思书(节选)A Letter to SongYuansi136

24三峡The Three Gorges138

郦道元Li Daoyuan138


魏征Wei Zheng142

25谏太宗十思疏Ten Points of DeliberationRecommended to Emperor Taizong142

韩愈Han Yu146

26原毁On the Origin of Detraction146

27师说On Teachers152

28杂说(论马)On Horses156

29祭鳄鱼文Sacrifice to the Crocodiles158

30圬者王承福传Wang Chengfu,thePlasterer162

柳宗元Liu Zongyuan168

31 至小丘西小石潭记The Small Tarn Westof the Knoll168

32种树郭橐驼传Camel Guo,the TreePlanter170

33捕蛇者说Complaints of a Snake-Catcher176

34童区寄传The Story of the Boy Ou Ji180

35桐叶封弟辨On Emperor Cheng'sGran-ting His Brother a Paulownia Leaf as aToken of a Fief184

36段太尉逸事状Episodes in the Life ofMarshal Duan188

(五)宋代SONG DYNASTY王禹偁Wang Yucheng200

37待漏院记The Premier's Chamber forAwaiting the Emperor's Audiences200

38岳阳楼记Yueyang Pavilion206

范仲淹Fan Zhongyan206

欧阳修Ouyang Xiu210

39醉翁亭记The Arbour of the DrunkenGraybeard210

40秋声赋The Sound of Autumn214

41朋党论On Party218

42纵囚论On the Probationary Release ofDeath Convicts224

43 与高司谏书A Letter to Imperial Remons-trantGao228

苏洵Su Xun238

44六国论On the Six Fallen States238

45墨池记The Ink Pond244


司马光Sima Guang248

46赤壁之战The War at the Red Cliff248

47肥水之战The Campaign on the Fei River264

王安石Wang Anshi288

48答司马谏议书Reply to Sima Guang288

49读孟尝君传Reflections on“The Life ofPrince Mengchang”292

50游褒禅山记A Trip to Baochan Mountain294

苏轼Su Shi300

51前赤壁赋Boating at the Red Cliff300

52石钟山记The Stone Bell Hill306

53方山子传Sir Fangshan310

54留侯论On the Marquis of Liu314

55教战守On Military Training320

苏辙Su Zhe328

56黄州快哉亭记The Huangzhou EcstasyArbour328

周密Zhou Mi332

57观潮Viewing Tidal Waves332


宋濂Song Lian338

58送东阳马生序A Farewell to Ma Junzeof Dongyang338

59秦士录A Prodigy of Shaanxi344

60卖柑者言Sallies of an Orange Seller352

刘基Liu Ji352

61工之侨为琴Gong Zhiqiao Making a Lute356

高启Gao Qi358

62书博鸡者事A Cocker358

方孝孺Fang Xiaoru364


64指喻The Parable of a Thumb Disease370

马中锡Ma Zhongxi374

65 中山狼传A Wolf in the ZhongshanMountains374

66瘗旅文Lament for the Wayfarers390

王守仁Wang Shouren390

归有光Gui Youguang396

67项脊轩志Xiangji Chamber396

王慎中Wang Shenzhong402

68海上平寇记The Subjugation of Pirates402

宗臣Zong Chen408

69报刘一丈书A Letter to Honourable LiuEsquire408

袁宏道Yuan Hongdao414

70满井游记An Excursion to Manjing414

71核舟记A Boat Carved on a Nutshell418

魏学洢Wei Xueyi418

张岱Zhang Dai424

72柳敬亭说书Liu Jingting,the Storyteller424

73西湖七月半The West Lake in the Middleof the Seventh Month428


74五人墓碑记An Epitaph for the FiveHeroes434

黄淳耀Huang Chunyao440

75李龙眠画罗汉记The Eighteen ArhatsPortrayed by Li Longmian440


黄宗羲Huang Zongxi446

76原君On Monarchs446

77马伶传Actor Ma452

侯方域Hou Fangyu452

78郭老仆墓志铭An Epitaph for Our OldServant458


79 口技Ventriloquism464

魏禧Wei Xi468

80吾庐记My Abode468

81大铁椎传Big Iron Cone474

方苞Fang Bao480

82狱中杂记Prison Notes480

83左忠毅公逸事An Incident from the Lifeof Zuo Zhongyi Esquire492

84游万柳堂记The Mansion of Willow498


彭端淑Peng Duanshu502

85为学一首示子侄On Learning—to MyNephew502

全祖望Quan Zuwang506

86梅花岭记The Plum Blossom Ridge506

袁枚Yuan Mei512

87祭妹文Lament for My Younger Sister512

88黄生借书说An Observation on MyLending Books to Huang Yunxiu520

89书鲁亮侪事Lu Liangchai524

90河中石兽Stone Animals in the River534


91鸣机夜课图记The Picture of NocturnalWeaving and Reading538

蒋士铨Jiang Shiquan538

姚鼐Yao Nai550

92登泰山记Ascent to Mount Tai550

梅曾亮Mei Zengliang554

93书棚民事About the Shanty Dwellers554

龚自珍Gong Zizhen558

94病梅馆记The Sick Plum Chamber558

95说居庸关Juyong Pass562

96湖广水利论On Water Conservancy inMid-South China568

魏源Wei Yuan568

王拯Wang Zheng578

97?砧课诵图序The Picture of Sister'sSupervising over My Study While Doing Her Washing578

黎庶昌Li Shuchang582


薛福成Xue Fucheng586

99观巴黎油画记Oil Paintings of Paris586


100冯婉贞Feng Wanzhen590
