

  • 肖华锋,饶贵生主编 著
  • 出版社: 南昌:江西高校出版社
  • ISBN:9787549304127
  • 出版时间:2011
  • 标注页数:291页
  • 文件大小:922MB
  • 文件页数:301页
  • 主题词:英语-高等学校-教材;英国-概况-英文;美国-概况-英文


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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland1

Division One Geography and People2

Chapter One Position, Regions, Climate and Others2

1. Position2

2. Regions3

3. Mountains3

4. Rivers4

5. Lakes4

6. Climate4

Chapter Two People and Localism7

1. Population7

2. Peoples7

3. Character of the British People11

Division Two Natural Resources and National Economy14

Chapter one Natural Resources14

1. Mineral Resources14

2. Water Resources15

Chapter Two National Economy16

1. General Introduction16

2. Management17

3. Corporations19

4. Manufacturing Industry19

5. Agriculture20

6. Foreign Trade22

7. Finance23

8. Main Cities24

Division Three History and Social Development29

Chapter One Early Foreign Invasions: Formation of the British Peo-ple ( 3000 B. C. —1066 A. D.)29

1. The Iberians’ Settlement29

2. The Celtic Conquest30

3. The Roman Invasion30

4. The Anglo-Saxon Conquest31

5. The Danes’ Invasions32

6. The Norman Conquest33

Chapter Two Henry II’s Innovations and the Rule of Law36

Chapter Three King, Church, Barons—Their relationship38

Chapter Four The Decline of Feudalism in England42

1. The Hundred Years’ War ( 1337—1453)42

2. The Black Death ( 1348—1350)43

3. Wat Tyler’ s Uprising ( 1381)44

4. The Wars of the Roses ( 1455—1485)46

Chapter Five The Tudor Monarchy and the Development of Capital-ism48

1. The Tudor Monarchy ( 1485—1603)48

2. The Enclosure Movement49

3. The Religious Reformation51

4. Overseas Adventures52

Chapter Six The British Bourgeois Revolution ( 1640—1689)55

1. Background55

2. The Course of the Revolution and Its Results57

Chapter Seven The Industrial Revolution and the Reforms in the 19th Century63

1. Preconditions of This Revolution63

2. The Process and Results of the Revolution65

3. The Reforms after the Industrial Revolution67

Chapter Eight The Rise and Decline of the British Empire70

1. The Establishment of the British Empire70

2. Two World Wars and Disintegration of British Empire71

3. Modern Britain74

Division Four Government and Politics77

Chapter One The Constitution and the System of Government77

Chapter Two Parliament79

1. The Monarchy79

2. The House of Lords81

3. The House of Commons83

4. Parliamentary System87

Chapter Three Cabinet Government90

Chapter Four Local Government93

Chapter Five The Civil Servants95

Chapter Six Political Parties97

1. General Introduction97

2. The Conservative Party99

3. The Labor Party101

4. The Common Grounds102

Chapter Seven The Legal System104

1. General Principles104

2. The Police104

3. Magistrates’ Courts105

4. The Crown Courts106

5. The Jury System107

Division Five Social Life and Culture108

Chapter One The Mass Media108

1. Newspapers and Periodicals108

2. Radio and Television110

Chapter Two Religious Life112

Chapter Three Incomes, Leisure and Public Holidays114

1. Incomes114

2. Leisure-time Activities115

3. Public Holidays116

Chapter Four Education118

1. General Introduction118

2. Secondary Education119

3. Higher Education122

Chapter five Social Welfare125

The United States of America128

Division One Geography and People129

Chapter One Geography129

1. Position and Regions129

2. Mountains134

3. Rivers136

4. Lakes136

5. Climate137

Chapter Two People139

1. Population139

2. Peoples139

3. The American Character142

Division Two Natural Resources and National Economy146

Chapter One Natural Resources146

1. Water Resources146

2. Forest Resources146

3. Mineral Resources147

Chapter Two The National Economy148

1. Cause for the Economic Growth148

2. Management151

3. Manufacturing Industry153

4. Farming Industry154

5. Service Industry155

6. Finance and Banking155

7. Foreign Trade156

8. Main Cities157

Division Three History and Social Development162

Chapter One Exploration and Colonization162

1. The Natives162

2. Explorations163

3. Colonization164

4. The Makings of a New Culture169

Chapter Two The American Revolution: the Formation of the New Nation ( 1763—1789)174

1. Background174

2. Outbreak of the Revolution179

3. The Formation of the New Nation184

Chapter Three The United States from 1800 to 1850190

1. The Jeffersonian Era and the War of 1812190

2. Internal Development192

3. Westward Expansion and Slavery196

Chapter Four The Civil War: a Turning Point198

1. The Antebellum Decade ( 1850—1860)198

2. Outbreak of the War200

3. The Evaluation of the War203

4. Reconstruction ( 1865—1877)204

Chapter Five The Emergency of Modern America208

1. Economic Take-off208

2. Political Paradox212

Chapter Six The US in the 20th Century ( 1900—1945)214

1. The Progressive Movement214

2. The US Entry into the First World War216

3. The Great Depression and the New Deal219

4. The US and the Second World War223

Chapter Seven The Postwar United States227

1. The Cold War and America’s Postwar Foreign Policy227

2. America’s Postwar Development233

Division Four Government and Politics241

Chapter One General Principles241

Chapter Two The Federal Government246

1. The Executive Branch246

2. The Legislative Branch250

3. The Judicial Branch254

4. The Inter-Branch Relations257

5. The Intergovernmental Relations258

Chapter Three The Political Parties261

1. Two-Party System261

2. Two-Party System in History262

3. The Democrats and the Republicans263

4. The Main Characteristics264

5. Third Parties265

Division Five Social Life and Culture267

Chapter One Mass Media267

Chapter Two Education271

1. The Primary Education271

2. The Higher Education273

Chapter Three American Society276

1. The Family276

2. Living Standards278

3. The Other America279

4. The Welfare System284

5. Color Problem285

Select Bibliography290
