

  • 中国地理学会冰川冻土分会,中国科学院兰州冰川冻土研究所编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
  • ISBN:13031·2932
  • 出版时间:1985
  • 标注页数:254页
  • 文件大小:16MB
  • 文件页数:262页
  • 主题词:


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Quaternary Glacier Study in China Advancing in Controversy(Preface) Shi Yafeng1

在争议中前进的中国第四纪冰川研究(代序) 施雅风1

Pleistocene Glacial Relics in Lushan-Reality or Fantasy Li Jijun,Zhang Lingyuan and Deng Yangxin9

论庐山冰川遗迹的真伪 李吉均 张林源 邓养鑫9

庐山构造地貌与地貌发育 刘振中 俞序君15

Tectonic Landforms and Morphological Development of Lushan Liu Zhenzhong and Yu Xujun15

Process of Landform Evolution and Structural Features in Lushan Region Zhang Lingyuan18

庐山地区地貌的发育过程和结构特征 张林源18

Model of Geomorphic Evolution in Lushan during the Late Quaternary and Its Meaning Li Rongquan and Zhu Guorong25

晚第四纪庐山地貌发育模式及其意义 李容全 朱国荣25

Study on Pleistocene Mountain Glaciers in East China Yang Dayuan31

中国东部山地更新世冰川的研究 杨达源31

Some Views on Glacier Geomorphology of Mt.Huangshan Sun Yufei34

关于黄山某些冰川地貌问题的商榷 孙毓飞34

Validity of Pleistocene Glaciation in Huangshan Area Huang Peihua,Lu Zhongjia and Ning Yuanming38

黄山更新世冰川遗迹现象质疑 黄培华 陆仲家 宁远明38

浙江天目山地区第四纪冰川地貌发育特征 邱淑彰41

Geomorphological Characteristics of Quaternary Glacial Development in Tianmu Shan Region Qiu Shuzhang41

Discussion on Quaternary Glaciation of the Mt.Taibai Tian Zesheng46

太白山第四纪冰川作用的讨论 田泽生46

试论东秦岭太白山冰川地貌与冰期问题 齐矗华 甘枝茂 惠振德 陈渭南 赵国光51

Preliminary Discussion on Glacial Geomorphy of the Mt.Taibai in East Qinling and Its Glacial Stages Qi Chuhua,Gan Zhimao,Hui Zhende,Chen Weinan and Zhao Guoguang51

中国西部冰川沉积的若干现象 郑本兴57

Preliminary Study on Characteristics of Glacial Deposits in the West China Zheng Benxing57

山地冰川冰碛物的结构构造特征 王富葆62

Textural and Structural Characteristics of Till of Mountain Glaciers Wang Fubao62

Nonglacial Genesis of Boulder Clay in Lushan Mu Yunzhi66

庐山泥砾并非冰川成因 牟昀智66

黄山地区第四纪沉积物特征 谢又予 崔之久 朱景湖 马秋华71

On the Characteristics of Quaternary Deposits in Huangshan Area Xie Youyu,Cui Zhijiu,Zhu Jinghu and Ma Qiuhua71

Geomorphology and Characteristics of Red Soil Gravel in Xingan-Guilin Area,Guangxi and Its Origin Zhou Huixiang and Xiong Heigang79

广西兴安-桂林地区地貌与红土砾石层的特征及其成因 周慧祥 熊黑纲79

On the Origin of Boulder Clay in Mingshan-Qionglai Region,Sichuan Province Zhang Zhuoyuan,Cheng Xulong and Liu Shiqing87

论名、邛砾石层的成因 张倬元 陈叙伦 刘世青87

Problems of Ancient Glaciers in Certain Areas of Western Sichuan and Northern Yunnan Li Hongyun,Liao Chengfu and Liu Xingshi96

关于川西滇北某些地区的古冰川问题 李洪云 廖成富 刘兴诗96

Tongue-shaped Deposition of Viscous Debris-flow and the Characteristics of It s Sectional Profile Zeng Siwei and Zhang Youan101

粘性泥石流舌状沉积形态及其剖面特征 曾思伟 张又安101

泥石流输移与沉积的若干特征 李鸿琏 王景荣 赵尚学107

Some Features of Transportation and Deposition of Debris Flow Li Honglian,Wang Jingrong and Zhao Shangxue107

On the Sedimentary Types and the Formational Mechanism of Current Debris Flow Cui Zhijiu,Xu Haipeng and Tian Zhaoyi112

试论现代泥石流沉积类型与形成机制 崔之久 徐海鹏 田昭一112

A Preliminary Study on the Fabric Features of Debris Flow Deposit Xu Haipeng,Tian Zhaoyi and Zeng Siwei121

泥石流沉积物组构特征的初步研究 徐海鹏 田昭一 曾思伟121

Vegetation Type of the Quaternary Glaciation in China Xu Xin125

第四纪冰期中的我国植物群 徐馨125

关于我国云杉、冷杉孢粉组合的古气候意义之商榷 张林源 李吉均 周尚哲129

Palaeoclimatic Significance of Sporo-pollen Composition of Picea and Abies in China Zhang Lingyuan,Li Jijun and Zhou Shangzhe129

Zoogeographical Distribution and Living Environment of Quaternary Mammalian Faunas in China Ji Hongxiang138

中国第四纪哺乳动物群的地理分布及其所反映的气候变迁 计宏祥138

Problems on Glacial Vestiges and Developmental Requirements of Glaciers in China Wu Xihao143

Investigation on Quaternary Glacier in Lushan Region By Research Division of Palaeogeography,Department of Geography,Beijing Normal University149

对庐山地区第四纪冰川问题的探讨 北京师范大学古地理研究室149

从沉积地层看庐山冰碛层和冰期的时代对比 刘泽纯154

Discussion on Some Moraine Bed in Lushan Based on Stratigraphy Liu Zechun154

Preliminary Study on Paleosol in Relation to Tectonic Movement in Lushan Region Peng Buzhuo,Zhao Peidao,Li Chunhua and Lu Genfa158

庐山地区古土壤与构造运动关系的初步研究 彭补拙 赵培道 李春华 陆根法158

Quaternary Sediments in Poyang Lake Basin and Formation of the Lake Wang Yunfei,Zhu Haihong,Zheng Changsu,Su Shoude and Yang Liufa161

鄱阳湖盆地第四纪沉积及湖泊形成 王云飞 朱海虹 郑长苏 苏守德 杨留法161

An Approach to Sporo-pollen Composition of the Reticulate Patterned Red Clay in the Middle Reaches of Ganjiang,Jiangxi Province and Its Paleoclimatic Meaning Wang Manhua167

江西赣江中游地区网纹红土的孢粉组合与古气候探讨 王曼华167

第四纪末次冰期晚期芜湖地区古植被和古气候演变 张树维172

Paleovegetational and Paleoclimatic Changes in Wuhu Region in the Later Period of the Last Quaternary Glaciation Zhang Shuwei172

长江下游晚冰期孢粉组合和气候回暖问题 张嘉尔175

Palynological Evidences of the Climatic Warming Trend during the Late Glacial Period in the Lower Reaches of Yangtze River Zhang Jiaer175

Mammal Fossils and Sporo-pollen Compositions at Hexian Man Locality and Their Significance Huang Wanpo and Huang Cixuan180

和县猿人动、植物群的性质及古气候的初步探讨 黄万波 黄赐旋180

Quaternary Sediments and Environment in the Tianmushan Region,Zhejiang Province Cai Zuren183

浙江天目山区第四纪地层与环境 蔡祖仁183

从古河流沉积看河北平原晚更新世末期的冰期与洪积期 吴忱187

Research on the Glacial and Pluvial Stage in the Later Period of the Late Pleistocene on Hebei Plain From the Deposits of Old River Beds Wu Chen187

试论河北东部更新世孢粉组合特点及其古地理意义 李文漪194

Characteristics of Pleistocene Sporo-Pollen Composition on the Eastern Hebei Plain in China and Their Significance in Palaeogeography Lin Wenyi194

根据第四纪沉积物中碳酸钙含量及孢粉组合的变化探讨北京平原地区古气候的演变 刘清泗 程志刚198

On the Change of Paleoclimate on the Beijing Plain According to the Variations of CaCO3 Content and Sporepollen Combination in the Quaternary Deposits Liu Qingsi and Cheng Zhigang198

关于太行山东麓白错盆地第四纪冰川问题的探讨 周聘渭 任振纪204

A Discussion on Quaternary Glacier in Baicuo Basin at the Eastern Foot of Taihang Mountain Zhou Pinwei and Ren Zhenji204

东北平原更新世自然环境的基本特征 裘善文 夏玉梅 汪佩芳 李风华 颜秋兰 淳于树菊 姜鹏208

Basic Features of Natural Environment on the Northeast Plain in Pleistocene Qiu Shanwen,Xia Yumei,Wang Peifang,Li Fenghua,Yan Qiulan,Chun Yu Shu Ju and Jiang Peng208

Boundary of Geomagnetic Polarity in Discerning the Quaternary Strata in China Qian Fang,Ma Xinghua and Wu Xihao212

关于中国第四纪地层划分的地磁极性界线 钱方 马醒华 吴锡浩212

晚更新世我国多年冻土的界线在何处 浦庆余216

South Boundary of Permafrost in China in Late Pleistocene Pu Qingyu216

河北涿鹿第四纪冰缘现象及其意义 黄兴根 焦振兴 张英礼 赵希涛 仇士华221

Discovery of Quaternary Periglacial Phenomena in Zhuolu County,Hebei Province,and Their Significance Huang Xinggen,Jiao Zhenxing and Zhang Yingli221

Ancient Periglacial Phenomena Since the Late Pleistocene on the Eerduosi Plateau Dong Guangrong,Gao Shangyu,Li Baosheng and Wu Zheng225

鄂尔多斯高原晚更新世以来的古冰缘现象 董光荣 高尚玉 李保生 吴正225

A Contrast Between the Periglacial Phenomena and the Glacial Period of the Late Pleistocene in the Cang fang gou Area in ürümqi Han Shuti and Ye Wei231

乌鲁木齐仓房沟地区晚更新世冰缘与冰期对比 韩淑媞 叶玮231
