

  • 周淑杰,张俊芝主编 著
  • 出版社: 天津:天津大学出版社
  • ISBN:7561812779
  • 出版时间:2000
  • 标注页数:423页
  • 文件大小:9MB
  • 文件页数:447页
  • 主题词:


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able, capable1

abuse, misuse1

第一章 易混淆词辨析1

accept, agree2

accept, receive3

accumulate, collect, gather, amass3

accuse, blame, charge, condemn4

across, through5

across, over5

adequate, ample, enough, sufficient6

adjacent, adjoining7

admission, admittance7

adorn, decorate, embellish, garnish8

adventure, venture8

adverse, averse9

aesthetic, esthetic, artistic9

affect, effect, influence10

aid, assis, help11

almost, nearly12

alone, lonely, solitary, lone, lonesome12

alternate, alternative, choice13

alumna, alumnus14

announce, declare, proclaim, pronounce14

anticipate, expect, hope, look forward to15

anxious, concerned, eager, nervous16

appliance, device, gadget, implement, instrument, machine, means, tool, utensil17

apt, liable, likely, prone19

arbitrate, mediate20

area, district, region20

argue, debate, dispute, quarrel21

ascribe, attribute, impute22

ask, beg, demand, request, entreat, implore, solicit23

attempt, try25

attendant, candidate, participant25

avenge, revenge26

awake, awaken, wake, waken27

look at, stare at, gaze at, glance at, glare at, peek at, peep at, peer at27

await, wait (for), expect27

aware, conscious29


balance, left-overs, relic, remainder, remains, remnant, residue, rest37

bank, beach, coast, seaside, shore39

bare, blank, empty, hollow, vacant40

base, basis, foundation40

beautiful, attractive, good-looking, handsome pretty41

begin, commence, start42

beloved, dear, favourite44

beloved, lovable, lovely44

big, great, large45

blaze, flame, flare, flash, spark, shine46

blend, combine, merge, mingle, mix47

blunder, defect, error, fault, flaw, mistake49

body, figure50

born, borne51

brand, mark51

broad, wide51


cash, change, money56

celebrated, distinguished, eminent, famous, well-known56

certain, sure57

chance, occasion, opportunity58

cheat, deceive, swindle59

choose, pick, select, opt60

childish, childlike60

chubby, fat, flabby, obese, overweight, plump, podgy, stout, tubby61

circumstance, environment, surroundings62

clasp, grasp, grip63

client, customer, guest64

climate, weather64

close, shut65

cloth, clothe, clothes, clothing66

comic, comical66

compose, comprise, consist of, constitute, include67

confuse, mistake, mix68

contempt, disdain, scorn69

continual(ly), continuous(ly)70

contain, control, refrain, restrain70

cost, price, charge71

convention, custom, habit, practice72


damage, demolish, destroy, ruin, wreck78

damp, humid, moist, wet78

dash, race, run, sprint, jog, gallop, trot79

dead, deadly, fatal, lethal80

deceive, mislead81

decorate, furnish81

defective, deficient82

deprive, rob, steal, strip82

diary, journal83

differentiate, discriminate, distinguish83

direct, guide, lead84

disappear, fade, vanish85

disease, illness, sickness, complaint, disorder, trouble86

dissuade, persuade87

distinct, distinctive87

divide, separate88

dwell, inhabit, reside88


earn, gain, get, obtain, secure, win93

earth, ground, land, field, floor, soil94

eatable, edible95

economical, frugal, thrifty96

entrance, entry97

end, finish97

envy, envious, jealousy, jealous98

especially, particularly, specially99

excuse, pretext, reason100

expand, extend, spread, stretch101


fatal, fateful104

finally, at last, in the end, lastly105

fit, suit105

floor, story106

foreign, overseas106

gaze, gape, stare107

free, freely107

hard, severe, stern, strict108

happen, occur, take place108

hardly, no sooner scarcely, barely110

healthful, healthy111

heap, pile, stack111

high, tall112

hire, rent, lease, let, charter113

holiday, leave, vacation, feast, festival114

historic, historical115

hope, wish116

hurt, injure, wound116


ill, sicks, poorly121

illegible, unreadable122

impolite, rude, impertinent, impudent, cheeky122

income, pay, salary, wage123

infamous, notorious124

insect, worm124

inside, within125

knit, knitted125

know, learn126

lack, be lacking in, be short of126

last, take127

lately, recently128

lawful, legal, legitimate128

libel, slander129

lighted, lit130

likely, possible, probable, feasible130

live, stay132


melted, molten136

noise, sound, voice136

poem, poetry137

practicable, practical137

range, scope138

punch, slap, smack, spank138

relation, relative139

rare, scarce139

relationship, relation, relations140

replace, substitute141

revolve, rotate, spin, whirl142

seat, sit143

slender, slim, skinny, lean, thin143

sociable, social144

sorry, sorrowful145

trace, track145



abstract, extract, subtract150

accept, except150

access, excess151

adapt, adopt, adept151

allay, alley, alloy, ally152

afflict, inflict152

affectation, affection152

allusion, delusion, illusion153

arise, arouse, rouse154

altar, alter154

altitude, aptitude, attitude154

amateur, armature154

annual, annul155

assure, ensure, insure, reassure155

assume, consume, presume, resume156

artificial, artistic157

award, reward158


bald, bold161

bandage, bondage162

beach, beech162

beside, besides162

blush, flush163

break, brake163

capital, Capitol164

caution, precaution165

climactic, climacteric, climatic165

carton, cartoon165

career, carrier165

conceive, perceive166

consul, council, counsel166

contemptible, contemptuous167

cooperation, corporation167

corespondent, correspondent168

cook, cooker168

credible, creditable, credulous168


damp, dumb, dump173

decent, descent, dissent173

deprive, derive174

dairy, diary174

die, dye175

discreet, discrete175

disinterested, uninterested175

dual, duel176

economic, economical, economics, economy176

emigrate, immigrate, migrate177

emerge, immerge, immerse177

eminent, imminent178

envelop, envelope178

exhaustible, exhausting, exhaustive179

farther, further179

fiance, fiancee180

flammable, inflammable, inflammatory, non-flammable180

flash, flush181

flight, freight, fright181

formal(ly), former(ly)182


globe, glove, grave, grove186

graceful, gracious187

grate, great187

hail, hale188

hangar, hanger, hunger188

hard, hardly189

imaginary, imaginative, imaginable189

immense, immerse190

imply, infer190

indoor, indoors191

incredible, incredulous191

inhabit, inherit, inhibit192

informant, informer192

ingenious, ingenuous192

intellect, intellectual, intelligent193

intelligent, intelligible193

liter, litter194

moral, morale, mortal194

pore, pour195

precede, proceed195

respectable, respected, respectful, respecting, respective195

sailer, sailor196

statue, stature, statute197


sensible, sensitive197





练习3(Adverbs Adjectives)228


a band of, a crowd of, a flock of, a gang of, a group of, a herd of,a host of, a school of, a swarm of, a throng of, a troop of239

第二章 易混淆短语、词组和常用词语固定搭配239


a couple of, a pair of240

a great/good deal of, a great/good many, a large amount of/large amounts of, a large number of/large numbers of, a (large) quantity of/quantities of, a lot of/lots of, many a, plenty of241

a number of, the number of242

act as, act for, act like243

after all, above all, first of all243

agree on/upon, agree to, agree with244

all but, anything but, nothing but245

apart from, aside from, in addition to246

arrive at, arrive in247

as for, as to247

as it is (was), as it were248

as well as, not only…but also249

at all, in all, all in all250

at ease, with ease251

at hand, by hand, in hand, on hand, to hand251

at heart, by heart, in heart, with heart252

at once, all at once253

at the beginning, in the beginning254

at/on the corner, in the corner, on the corner, round/around the corner254

attribute to, contribute to255

at the end, in the end255

be absent from, be absent in, absent oneself from256

be accustomed to/be used to, accustom oneself to, used to256

be angry at, be angry about, be angry with257

be familiar to, be familiar with258

be full of, be full to258

be known as, be known for, be known to259

be made of, be made from, be made out of, be made up of259

be worth, be worth while, be worthwhile, be worthy260

belong to, belong in262

break down, breakdown, broken-down262

burst/break into, burst/break out263

call at, call on, drop in, look up264

by the way, in the way/in sb s way, on the way/on sb s way264

catch fire, set fire to, burn down, burn out265

compare to, compare with266

consist in, consist of267

each other, one another267

go on doing sth., go on to do sth., go on with sth.267

have a word with, have words with268

hear of, hear about, hear from268

in charge of, in the charge of269

in one s mind, on one s mind270

in control of, in the control of270

in front of, in the front of270

in possession of, in the possession of271

in return, in turn271

in the sun, under the sun272

in time, on time272

no more than, not more than274

out of question, out of the question274

look through, see through274

result from, result in275

shout at, shout to; throw at, throw to; run at, run to; talk at, talk to275

succeed in, succeed to276

talk about, talk of, talk over277

























第三章 综合练习答案及注释377



