

  • 中国基督圣教书会灵歌新集编辑委员会编 著
  • 出版社: 中国基督圣教书会
  • ISBN:
  • 出版时间:1943
  • 标注页数:90页
  • 文件大小:2MB
  • 文件页数:92页
  • 主题词:


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Prayer and Praise1

A little talk with Jesus1


Able to save to the ut-termost2

All the way to Calvary3


And I shall see Him4

Second Advent4

Invitation and Response5

Are you conscious of sin5

Battle and Victory.6

Armour of God6

Ask the Saviour to help you7

Be pure be perfect8


Believe in Jesus9

Build on the Rock10

The Bible10


Children of China11

Cleanse my heart12

Come and hear the Gospel13

Come let us return14

Come let us return14

Come unto Me15

Coming home16

Complete dedication17

Confess with thy mouth18

Constantly abiding19

Count your blessings20

Crown Him Lord of all21

Don t stop praying22

Except a man be born again23

Faithful saying24

Faith overcomes the world25

Faith and Guidance25

Faith overcomes the world25

Fear not only preach26

Fight the good fight27

Follow,follow I will28

For He is Almighty29

For me30

For the Lion of Judah31

For the mountains shall depart32

The Mountains shall depart32


From death to life34

Give me a heart like Thine35

Glorious freedom36

Glory to God in the Highest37

Glory to Jesus38

Go ye into all the world39

God commends His love40

God hath given eternal life41

God s Holy eyes42

God so loved the world43

God will take care of you45

Grace before meals46

Grant us Thy peace47

Vespers and Grace47

Hallelujah saving grace48

Hallelujah. Yes tis heaven49

Happy Day50

He came unto His own51

He can break every fetter52

He saves to the utter-most53

He that believeth54

He was wounded for our55

He will hold me fast56

Herein is love57

His anger endureth but58

His grace is sufficient59

I m so glad (Glory Song)60

I am the Resurrection61

I believe God answers prayer62

I hide Thy Word63

I know the Lord will make a way64

I love Jesus65

I will take the cup of s.66

I will arise67

I will lift up mine eyes68

I will make you fishers of men69

If we confess70

If any man thirst71

I m feeding on the Living Bread72

I m living on the mountain73

In my heart74

Is anything too hard for the Lord75

Jesus blood cleanses me76

Jesus died for me77

Jesus is all ths world to me78

Jesus knows all about79

Jesus loves me,Jesus saves me80

Jesus loves the little children81

Jesus wept and died for me83

Joy Joy Joy84

Just the same85

Keep thy heart86

Kept by the power of God87

Leading men to Jesus88

Lest I forget Gethse-mane89

Lest I forget Gethse-mane89

Let Jesus come into your heart90

Let not your heart91

Let the beauty of Jesus92

Light that groweth not pale93

Little bird,little lamb94

Little Friends repent repent96

Living with Jesus97

Living with Jesus97

Lord Crucified98

Love won on Calvary99

Made sin for us100

Moment by moment101

None other Name102

Not by might103

Not I but Christ104

Now none but Christ105

Now none but Christ105

Oh,the love that sought106

Oh tis Jesus guides107

Oh,yes I know108

Oh,yes I know108

Once for all109

Once I was blind110

One door and only one111

Only believe112

Open mine eyes that113

Open Thou mine eyes114

Praise God from Whom115

Praise His Holy Name116

Prayer brings victory117

Prayer brings victory117

Redemption ground118

Rejoioe Rejoice thy King is119

Return Return Im-manuel120

Running over121

Salvation to Jesus122

Search me O God123

Search mo O God123

Showers of blessing124

Sin shall not have do-minion125

Sound the Battle cry126

Spirit of the Living God127

Step by step128

Suffer little children129

Surely every man walketh130

The day is gently131

The good Shepherd132

The heart of man133

The Lord is my Shepherd134

The Lord our God is one God135

Tho prodigal s return136

The return of Christ137

The true Vine138

The Word became flesh139

They that are whole140

Trust and obey141

Two little eyes142

Under the blood143

Union with Christ144


We are building146

What manner of Love147

What must I do to be saved148

Whatsoever things are pure149

When the Lord turned again150

Where He leads me151

Whom have I in heaven152

Whosoever will153

Wide wide as the ocean154

Wounded for me155

Ye are the light156

Ye must be born again157

Yesterday today forever158
