

  • 周林编著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:农村读物出版社
  • ISBN:7504825565
  • 出版时间:1995
  • 标注页数:224页
  • 文件大小:4MB
  • 文件页数:245页
  • 主题词:


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1.above and over1

2.accept and receive1

3.across and over2

4.act and action3

5.activate and actuate4

6.adapt and adopt4

7.adapter and adaptor4

8.adjacent and contiguous5

9.adjoin and adjourn5

10.admire and respect6

13.adverse and averse7

12.adventitious and adventurous7

11.admission and admittance7

14.aeroplane,airplane and aircraft8

15.affect and effect8

16.affection and affectation9

17.afflict and inflict9

18.after and afterwards10

19.alias and nickname10

20.alive and living11

21.all and whole12

22.allowance,salary,wages and pay12

23.allusion and reference14

24.almost and nearly14

25.alone and lonely15

26.aloud and loudly16

27.already and all ready16

28.alright and all right17

29.alternate and alternative17

30.although and though18

31.altogether and all together19

32.amiable and amicable19

33.amid and amidst20

34.among and amongst20

35.among and between21

37.ante-and anti-22

36.amuse and enjoy22

38.apt,liable and likely23

39.Arab,Arabian and Arabic24

40.arise and rise24

41.(a)round and about25

42.artificial and false26

43.artist and artiste26

44.as and like27

45.as,since,because and for27

46.ascent and assent28

47.astrologer and astronomer28

48.astronaut and cosmonaut29

49.as well and too29

50.at,in and on(time)30

51.attend,join and participate31

52.attic and loft32

53.aural and oral32

54.avoid,prevent and avert32

55.awake,awaken,wake and waken33

56.award and reward35

57.awhile and a while35

58.backward and backwards35

59.bad and badly36

60.bank,beach,coast and shore37

61.bare and empty38

62.beat and beaten38

63.beat and hit39

64.beat and win40

65.beautiful,handsome and pretty40

66.been and gone41

67.before and ago41

68.begin,start and commence42

69.be gone and have gone43

70.beside and besides43

71.besides and except44

72.be used to and used to44

73.biannual and biennual45

74.big,great and large46

76.black,coloured,Negro and nigger47

75.bimonthly and semimonthly47

77.blind and blinded48

78.blink and wink48

79.bloc and block49

80.blush and flush49

81.boat and ship49

82.border,frontier and boundary50

83.born and borne50

84.borrow and lend51

85.breast,chest and bosom51

86.bring,take and fetch52

88.broad and wide53

87.Britisher and Briton53

89.broke and broken54

90.burned and burnt54

91.business and busyness55

92.by and with55

93.by and near56

94.cacao,cocoa,coca and coco56

95.cannon and canon57

96.canvas and canvass57

97.capital and capitol58

98.captivate and capture58

99.careless and carefree59

100.carpet,rug and mat59

102.censor,censure and census60

101.cement,concrete and mortar60

103.ceremonial and ceremonious61

104.cheap and cheaply61

105.childish and childlike62

106.citizen,inhabitant and resident62

107.classic and classmal63

108.client and customer63

109.climate and weather63

110.close and shut64

111.cloth and clothes65

112.comic and comical65

114.compare and contrast66

113.comment and commentary66

115.complement and compliment67

116.compose and compile67

117.comprehensible and comprehensive68

118.comprise,consist,compose and constitute68

119.compulsive and compulsory69

120.confidant and confident69

121.connote and denote70

122.constructional and constructive71

123.contagious and infectious71

124.contemporary and present-day72

125.continual and continuous72

127.continue and last73

126.continuance,continuation and continuity73

128.cook and cooker74

129.cooperate and collaborate74

130.corps and corpse75

131.costume and custom75

132.council and counsel76

133.country and county76

134.credible and credulous77

135.crime,offence and sin77

136.cry and weep78

137.cultivated and cultured79

138.date and day79

140.deadly,fatal and lethal80

139.dead and died80

141.deceitful and deceptive81

142.decided and decisive81

143.deduce and deduct82

144.deep and deeply83

145.defensible and defensive83

146.deficient and inefficient83

147.definite and definitive84

148.deliverance and delivery85

149.delusion and illusion85

150.deny and refuse85

151.dependant and dependent86

153.desirable and desirous87

152.desert and dessert87

155.dialectal and dialectical88

154.detract and distract88

156.diminish and minimise89

157.direct and directly89

158.discover and invent90

159.disinterested and uninterested90

160.dispose of and dispense with91

161.distinct and distinctive91

162.doubt and suspect92

163.draft and draught93

164.dress,wear and put on93

166.dual and duel94

165.drunk and drunken94

167.due to and owing to95

168.each and every96

169.earthen,earthly and earthy96

170.easy and easily97

171.eatable and edible97

172.economic and economical98

173.elder and older98

174.elderly and old99

175.electric,electrical and electronic100

176.emergence and emergency100

178.eminent and imminent101

177.emigrate and immigrate101

179.emotional and emotive102

180.endemic,epidemic and pandemic103

181.energize and enervate103

182.ensure and insure104

183.envelop and envelope104

184.envious and enviable105

185.erupt and irrupt105

186.especial(ly)and special(ly)106

187.estimate and estimation107

188.everyday and every day107

190.exceedingly and excessively108

189.everyone and every one108

191.excellence and excellency109

192.except and except for110

193.exceptionable and exceptional111

194.excitement and excitation111

195.exhausting and exhaustive112

196.expertise and expertize112

197.extend,lengthen and prolong113

198.fair and fairly113

199.fairly,quite,rather and very114

200.false and falsely114

201.fanatic and fanatical115

202.far and a long way115

204.farther and further116

203.faraway and far away116

206.female and feminine117

205.fearful and fearsome117

207.fictional and fictitious118

208.find and find out118

209.fine and finely118

210.firm and firmly119

211.first and firstly119

212.fit and suit120

213.flat and flatly120

215.flowed and flown121

216.for and since121

214.fleshly and fleshy121

217.forbid and prohibit122

218.forcible and forceful123

219.forego and forgo123

220.forget and leave124

221.forward and forwards124

222.foreword and preface125

223.free and freely125

224.gaol and jail126

225.gather and collect126

226.genial and genuine126

227.gesticulate and gesture127

229.glance and glimpse128

228.get and acquire128

230.gold and golden129

231.go to bed and go to sleep129

232.gorilla and guer(r)illa129

233.gourmand and gourmet130

234.graceful and gracious130

235.guarantee and guaranty131

236.habitable and inhabitable131

237.handiwork and handwork132

238.hanged and hung132

239.happen,occur and take place133

240.hard and hardly133

242.heap and pile134

241.harm and damage134

243.heroin and heroine135

244.hesitancy and hesitation135

245.high and highly136

246.high and tall136

247.hire and rent137

248.historic and historical137

249.holiday and holidays138

250.holiday and leave138

251.hotel,inn,hostel and boarding house139

252.homely and hom(e)y140

253.honorary and honourable140

255.human and humane141

254.how and what…like141

256.hurt and injure142

257.hypercritical and hypocritical142

258.idle and idol143

259.ill and sick143

260.illegible and unreadable144

261.imaginary and imaginative144

262.immature and premature145

263.imperial and imperious146

264.imply and infer146

265.in and into146

266.in and on147

269.incredible and incredulous148

267.inability and disability148

268.in case and if148

270.industrial and industrious149

271.ingenious and ingenuous149

272.injure and wound150

273.insist and persist150

274.instructional and instructive151

275.into and in to151

276.irreparable and unrepairable152

277.job,work,trade,profession,occupation and vocation152

278.juror and jurist154

279.kilo-and milli-154

281.last and the last155

280.last and latest155

282.latest and newest156

283.laudable and laudatory156

284.lay and lie156

285.lighted and lit157

286.lightening and lightning158

287.liquidate and liquidize158

288.literal,literate and literary158

289.living room,sitting room,drawing room and lounge159

290.long and for a long time159

291.loose,loosen and lose160

293.luxuriant and luxurious161

292.low and lowly161

294.lyric and lyrical162

295.madam and madame162

296.manner and manners162

297.marriage and wedding163

298.masterful and masterly163

299.melted and molten164

300.momentary and momentous164

301.mood and temper165

302.moonlight and moonlit165

303.moral and morale166

304.mortgagee and mortgagor166

307.next and nearest167

305.mov(e)able and mobile167

306.naught and nought167

308.next and the next168

309.notable and noticeable168

310.notable and noted169

311.nought,O and zero169

312.observance and observation170

313.obsolescent and obsolete170

314.on and upon171

315.onto and on to171

316.open and opened172

317.other and others172

318.outdoor and outdoors172

319.partially and partly173

320.passed and past174

321.pay and spend174

322.pendant and pendent176

323.penisula and penisular176

324.perceptible and perceptive176

325.permissible and permissive177

326.personage,personality and VIP177

327.physician and physicist178

328.pigeon and dove178

329.pitable and pitiful179

330.play and act179

332.practicable and practical180

331.portion and part180

333.precede and proceed181

334.precedence and precedent181

335.presently and at present182

336.presumptive and presumptuous182

337.preventable and preventive183

338.principal and principle183

339.purposefully and purposely184

340.raise and rise184

341.rare and scarce185

342.rarely and scarcely185

344.recount and re-count186

343.realize and recognize186

345.referee and umpire187

346.regretful and regrettable187

347.relation,relationship and relative188

348.rely,depend and count189

349.remediable and remedial189

350.replace and substitute190

351.respectable and respectful190

352.reveal and expose191

353.reverend and reverent191

354.right and rightly192

355.road and street193

357.salon and saloon194

356.rob and steal194

358.say and tell195

359.seasonable and seasonal195

360.see and watch196

361.sensible and sensitive197

362.sentiment and sentimentality197

363.sharp and sharply198

364.short and shortly198

365.silk,silken and silky199

366.skil(l)ful and skilled199

367.slack and slake200

369.small and little201

368.slow and slowly201

370.sociable and social202

371.some and any202

372.sometime,some time and sometimes204

373.sound and soundly204

374.speak and talk205

375.sport,sports and sporting205

376.stationary and stationery206

377.steady and steadily206

378.stimulant and stimulus207

379.stop and pause207

380.storey and story208

381.streak,strip and stripe208

382.stringed and strung209

384.sunk and sunken210

385.sure and surely210

383.suit and suite210

386.systematic and systemic211

387.tasteful and tasty211

388.tax,duty,rates and toll212

389.technics,technique and technology213

390.terrible and terrific214

391.throw and toss214

392.tight and tightly214

393.travel,journey and trip215

395.understandable and understanding216

394.troop and troupe216

396.unless and if not217

397.unqualilified and disqualified217

398.until,till and to218

399.upward and upwards218

400.urban and urbane219

401.verbal and oral219

402.visible and visual220

403.wide and widely220

404.wrong and wrongly221

405.youth,teenager and adolescent222

