

  • 宋云连,崔亚楠主编;闫景晨,胡兵,尹春娥副主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国水利水电出版社
  • ISBN:9787508498294
  • 出版时间:2012
  • 标注页数:425页
  • 文件大小:102MB
  • 文件页数:437页
  • 主题词:道路工程-英语-高等学校-教材;桥梁工程-英语-高等学校-教材;交通工程-英语-高等学校-教材


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Part Ⅰ General Knowledge for Civil Engineering and Traffic Engineering1

Lesson 1 Soils and Its Properties1

Reading Material The Soil Mechanical Tests6

Lesson 2 Measuring Technology9

Reading Material Angle Measuring and Equipments15

Lesson 3 Engineering Geology19

Reading Material Hydrology and Hydraulics24

Lesson 4 Structural Materials28

Reading Material Concrete33

Lesson 5 Construction Contracts and Bid Process36

Reading Material Types of Construction Contracts and Bonds41

Lesson 6 The Highway Concept44

Reading Material Basic Conception of Subgrade and Pavement50

Lesson 7 Introduction of Structural Design53

Reading Material Structural Analysis58

Lesson 8 Traffic Engineering Basic62

Reading Material Highway Capacity68

PartⅡ Highway and Bridge Engineering71

Lesson 9 Highway Location71

Reading Material Highway Cross Section76

Lesson 10 Design of the Alignment80

Reading Material Computer Application in Highway Design85

Lesson 11 Freeways89

Reading Material Highway Subgrade94

Lesson 12 Pavement Structure99

Reading Material Pavement Design103

Lesson 13 Bituminous Surface Courses107

Reading Material Pavement Maintenance and Strengthening111

Lesson 14 Drainage for Roads and Airports115

Reading Material Surface Drainage and Computer Models119

Lesson 15 Road Construction122

Reading Material Subgrade and Pavement Construction127

Lesson 16 Bridge History and Types128

Reading Material Grade Separations and Interchanges132

Lesson 17 Girder Bridge136

Reading Material Construction Techniques140

Lesson 18 Arch Bridge143

Reading Material Structure of Arch Bridge150

Lesson 19 Suspension Bridge153

Reading Material Construction Key Point of Suspension Bridge156

Lesson 20 Cable-stayed Bridge159

Reading Material Hangzhou Bay Bridge163

Lesson 21 Substructure164

Reading Material Protection from Scour and Erosion170

Part Ⅲ Traffic Engineering173

Lesson 22 Traffic Engineering173

Reading Material The Evolution of Transport178

Lesson 23 Theoretical Relationship among Speed,Flow and Density180

Reading Material Evidence for Speed Flow Relationships184

Lesson 24 Capacity and Levels of Services186

Reading Material Capacity of Highway and Signalized Intersections189

Lesson 25 Traffic Survey193

Reading Material Transportation Movement Studies197

Lesson 26 Origin-Destination Studies201

Reading Material Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS)204

Lesson 27 Traffic and Land Use206

Reading Material Transportation and Land-Use Policy in the United States209

Lesson 28 Four-Step Planning Method212

Reading Material Transportation Planning Studies215

Lesson 29 Trip Distribution217

Reading Material Trip Generation221

Lesson 30 Traffic Assignment225

Reading Material Equilibrium Assignment228

Lesson 31 Traffic Management232

Reading Material Road Traffic Management236

Lesson 32 Public Transport Priority238

Reading Material Geometric Design Controls and Criteria242

Lesson 33 One-Way Street245

Reading Material Planning for One-Way Streets247

Lesson 34 Highway Safety250

Reading Material International Traffic Safety Organizations and Safety Management252

Part Ⅳ Structural Engineering(Expanding Study)255

Lesson 35 Philosophy of Structural Design255

Reading Material Structural Reliability259

Lesson 36 Concrete Placement261

Reading Material Concrete Formwork266

Lesson 37 High-Rise Buildings269

Reading Material Structural Type of High-Rise Buildings273

Lesson 38 Reinforced Concrete Structures276

Reading Material Reinforced Concrete Beams281

Lesson 39 Structural Steel Behavior284

Reading Material Development and Economical Design of Steel Structures289

Lesson 40 Steel Members293

Reading Material Sections of Steel Members298

Lesson 41 Loads on Building Structures303

Reading Material Earthquake Loads308

Lesson 42 Retaining Wall311

Reading Material Design and Types of Water Works316

Lesson 43 Foundation Construction320

Reading Material Solid and Partition Walling323

Lesson 44 Masonry Structures325

Reading Material Solid Floors and Timber Floors331

Part Ⅴ 专业英语(EST)的翻译技巧334

第一节 绪论334

第二节 专业英语翻译的基本方法338

第三节 句子的翻译344

附录Ⅰ 课文注释353

第1部分 土木工程和交通工程概论353

第1课土及其特性(Soils and Its Properties)353

阅读材料 土力学试验(The Soil Mechanical Tests)353

第2课 测量技术(Measuring Technology)354

阅读材料 角度测量及仪器(Angle Measuring and Equipments)354

第3课 工程地质(Engineering Geology)355

阅读材料 水文学和水力学(Hydrology and Hydraulics)355

第4课 结构材料(Structural Materials)356

阅读材料 混凝土(Concrete)356

第5课 施工合同和投标程序(Construction Contracts and Bid Process)357

阅读材料 施工合同类型和保证金(Types of Construction Contracts and Bonds)357

第6课 道路概念(The Highway Concept)357

阅读材料 路基路面基本概念(Basic Conception of Subgrade and Pavement)358

第7课 结构设计简介(Introduction of Structural Design)358

阅读材料 结构分析(Structural Analysis)359

第8课 交通工程基本原理(Traffic Engineering Basic)359

阅读材料 道路通行能力(Highway Capacity)360

第2部分 道路和桥梁工程360

第9课 公路定线(Highway Location)360

阅读材料 公路横断面(Highway Cross Section)361

第10课 线形设计(Design of the Alignment)361

阅读材料 道路设计中的计算机应用(Computer Application in Highway Design)362

第11课 高速公路(Freeways)363

阅读材料 公路路基(Highway Subgrade)364

第12课 路面结构(Pavement Structure)365

阅读材料 路面设计(Pavement Design)365

第13课 沥青面层(Bituminous Surface Courses)366

阅读材料 路面养护与补强(Pavement Maintenance and Strengthening)366

第14课 道路和机场排水(Drainage for Roads and Airports)367

阅读材料 表面排水及其计算机模型(Surface Drainage and Computer Models)367

第15课 道路施工(Road Construction)368

阅读材料 路基路面施工(Subgrade and Pavement Construction)368

第16课 桥梁历史及其类型(Bridge History and Types)369

阅读材料 立体交叉和互通式立体交叉(Grade Separations and Interchanges)369

第17课 梁桥(Girder Bridge)370

阅读材料 施工技术(Construction Techniques)370

第18课 拱桥(Arch Bridge)371

阅读材料 拱桥结构(Structure of Arch Bridge)372

第19课 悬索桥(Suspension Bridge)372

阅读材料 悬索桥的施工要点(Construction Key Point of Suspension Bridge)373

第20课 斜拉桥(Cable-Stayed Bridge)374

阅读材料 杭州湾大桥(Hangzhou Bay Bridge)374

第21课 下部基础(Substructure)375

阅读材料 冲刷和侵蚀的防护(Protection from Scour and Erosion)376

第3部分 交通工程377

第22课 交通工程(Traffic Engineering)377

阅读材料 交通发展(The Evolution of Transport)377

第23课 速度、流量及密度间的理论关系(Theoretical Relationship among Speed,Flow and Density)378

阅读材料 速度流量关系的论证(Evidence for Speed Flow Relationships)378

第24课 通行能力和服务水平(Capacity and Levels of Services)378

阅读材料 道路通行能力及有信号管理的交叉口(Capacity of Highway and Signalized Intersections)379

第25课 交通调查(Traffic Survey)379

阅读材料 交通运输调查(Transportation Movement Studies)380

第26课 起讫点研究(Origin-Destination Studies)380

阅读材料 智能交通系统[Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS)]381

第27课 交通和用地(Traffic and Land Use)382

阅读材料 美国交通和用地政策(Transportation and Land-Use Policy in the United States)382

第28课 四阶段规划法(Four-Step Planning Method)383

阅读材料 交通规划研究(Transportation Planning Studies)384

第29课 出行分配(Trip Distribution)384

阅读材料 出行生成量(Trip Generation)385

第30课 交通分配(Traffic Assignment)386

阅读材料 平衡分配(Equilibrium Assignment)386

第31课 交通管理(Traffic Management)387

阅读材料 道路交通管理(Road Traffic Management)387

第32课 公共交通优先(Public Transport Priority)387

阅读材料 几何设计控制和标准(Geometric Design Controls and Criteria)388

第33课 单向交通(One-Way Street)388

阅读材料 单向交通规划(Planning for One-Way Streets)389

第34课 道路安全性(Highway Safety)389

阅读材料 国际交通安全组织和安全管理(International Traffic Safety Organizations and Safety Management)390

第4部分 结构工程(拓展学习)390

第35课 结构设计原理(Philosophy of Structural Design)390

阅读材料 结构可靠性(Structural Reliability)392

第36课 混凝土浇筑(Concrete Placement)392

阅读材料 混凝土模板(Concrete Formwork)392

第37课 高层建筑(High-Rise Buildings)393

阅读材料 高层建筑的结构类型(Structural Type of High-Rise Buildings)393

第38课 钢筋混凝土结构(Reinforced Concrete Structures)394

阅读材料 钢筋混凝土梁(Reinforced Concrete Beams)394

第39课 结构钢性能(Structural Steel Behavior)395

阅读材料 钢结构发展和经济设计(Development and Economical Design of Steel Structures)395

第40课 钢构件(Steel Members)395

阅读材料 钢构件的截面形式(Sections of Steel Members)396

第41课 作用在建筑结构物上的荷载(Loads on Building Structures)396

阅读材料 地震荷载(Earthquake Loads)396

第42课 挡土墙(Retaining Wall)397

阅读材料 水务工程设计与类型(Design and Types of Water Works)397

第43课 基础施工(Foundation Construction)398

阅读材料 实体墙和隔墙(Solid and Partition Walling)398

第44课 砌体结构(Masonry Structures)398

阅读材料 实心地板和木地板(Solid Floors and Timber Floors)398

附录Ⅱ 道路桥梁与交通工程专业词汇400

