

  • 张远鹰编译 著
  • 出版社: 长春:吉林科学技术出版社
  • ISBN:7538408290
  • 出版时间:1991
  • 标注页数:326页
  • 文件大小:13MB
  • 文件页数:336页
  • 主题词:


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导言 Introduction1


骨折的处理原则 principles of Fracture Management4

环枢椎骨折 Fracture of the Atlantoaxial Complex6

下位颈椎骨折或脱位 Lower Cervical Spine Fracture or Dislocation8

胸腰椎骨折和脱位 Thoracolumbar Fracture and Dislocation10

锁骨骨折 Fracture of the Clavicle12

胸锁关节脱位 Sternoclavicular Dislocation14

肩锁关节脱位 Acromioclavicular Dislocation16

肩胛骨骨折 Fracture of the Scapula18

肱骨近端骨折 Fracture of the proximal Humerus20

肱骨干骨折 Fracture of the Humeral Shaft22

肘关节脱位 Dislocation of the Elbow24

前臂骨折 Fracture of the Forearm26

桡骨远端骨折 Fracture of the Distal Radius28

骨盆环骨折 Fracture of the pelvic Ring30

骨盆骨折出血 Hemorrhage from Pelvic Fracture32

中心性髋臼骨折 Central Acetabular Fracture34

髋关节脱位 Dislocation of the Hip36

股骨颈骨折 Femoral Neck Fracture38

股骨粗隆间骨折 Intertrochanteric Fracture of the Femur40

股骨干骨折 Femoral Shaft Fracture42

股骨闭合髓内针固定 Closed Intramedullary Nailing of the Femur44

股骨远端骨折 Fracture of the Distal Femur46

急性膝损伤的评价 Evaluation of the Acutely Injured Knee48

髌骨骨折或脱位 Fracture or Dislocation of the Patella50

膝关节韧带损伤 Knee Ligament Injury52

半月板损伤 Meniscal Injury54

胫骨平台骨折 Tibial Plateau Fracture56

胫骨干骨折 Tibial Shaft Fracture58

间隔区综合征 Compartment Syndromes60

胫骨Pilon骨折 Tibial Pilon Fracture62

踝扭伤的评价 Evaluation of the Sprained Ankle64

踝关节骨折或脱位 Arkle Fracture or Dislocation66

跟骨骨折 Fracture of the Calcaneus68

距骨骨折或脱位 Fracture or Dislocation of the Talus70

跗蹠关节骨折—脱位 Tarsometatarsal Fracture-Dislocation72

前足骨折或脱位 Forefoot Fracture orDislocation74

儿童长骨骨折 Long Bone Fracture in the Child76

儿童的生长板损伤 Growth Plate Injury in the Child78

儿童肱骨远端骨折 Distal Humeral Fracture in the Child ren80

儿童髋关节损伤 Hip Injury in the Child82

病理性骨折 Pathologic Fracture84

肢体的枪弹伤 Gunshot Wound to the Extremity86


腰背痛的评价 Evaluation of Back pain90

急性下腰痛的处理 Management of Acute Low Back Pain92

慢性下腰痛的处理 Management of Chronic Low Back Pain94

颈椎的非创伤性疾病 Nontraumatic Disorders of the Cervical Spine96

肩关节疼痛 Shoulder Pain98

肩关节不稳定 Shoulder Instability100

肩关节炎 Arthritis of the Shoulder102

撞击综合征和肩袖撕裂 Impingement Syndrome and Rotator Cuff Tears104

肘关节痛 Elbow Pain106

肘关节炎 Arthritis of the Elbow108

尺神经卡压 Ulnar Nerve Entrapment110

髋关节痛 Hip Pain112

缺血性坏死 Avascular Necrosis114

髋关节炎 Arthritis of the Hip116

全髋重建术后髋关节痛 Hip pain Following Total Hip Reconstruction118

全髋关节重建术后脱位 Dislocation Following Total HipReconstruction120

全髋关节置换术后感染 Septic Total Hip Replacement122

膝关节卡锁 The Catching knee124

慢性膝关节渗出 Chronic knee Effusion126

膝内侧关节线疼痛 Medial Joint Pain128

膝外侧关节线疼痛 Lateral Joint Line Pain130

膝前关节疼痛 Anterior Knee Joint Pain132

膝后关节疼痛 Posterior Knee Joint Pain134

膝关节僵硬 The Stiff knee136

髌骨半脱位 Patellar Subluxation138

膝关节韧带不稳 Ligamentous Instability of the knee140

膝关节炎症 Inflammation of the Knee Joint142

膝关节退行性疾病 Degenerative Joint Disease of the Knee144

半月板紊乱的治疗 Treatment of Meniscal Derangement146

膝关节剥脱性骨软骨炎 Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee148

慢性踝关节肿胀 Chronic Ankle Swelling150

慢性踝关节疼痛 Chronic Ankle Pain152

踝关节不稳定 The Unstable Ankle154

足内侧弓疼痛 Medial Arch Pain156

蹠腱膜炎 Plantar Fasciitis158

跟腱炎 Achilles Tendinitis160

跖痛症 Metatarsalgia162

糖尿病足 The Diabetic Foot164

?囊炎的治疗 Treatment of Bunions166

发热和下肢痛 Fever and Lower Limb Pain170


骨髓炎 Osteomyelitis172

化脓性关节炎 Septic Arthritis174

脊柱感染(间盘炎,骨髓炎) Spinal Infection(Discitis,Osteomyelitis)176

斜颈 Torticollis178

儿童腰背痛 Child with Back Pain180

特发性脊柱侧弯症 Idiopathic Scoliosis182

神经肌肉性脊柱侧弯症 Neuromuscular Scoliosis184

先天性脊柱侧弯 Congenital Scoliosis186

Scheuermann's病(青春期弓形驼背) Scheuermann's Disease(Adolescent Roundback)188

椎弓崩裂和脊椎滑脱 Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis190

婴幼儿先天性髋关节脱位 Congenital Hip Dislocation in the Infant192

低龄儿童的先天性髋关节脱位 Congenital Hip Dislocation in the Young Child194

急性暂时性滑膜炎 Acute Transient Synovitis196

Legg-Perthes病 Legg-Perthes Disease198

股骨头骨骺滑脱 Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis(SCFE)200

青少年膝痛 Knee Pain in the Adolescent202

Osgood-Schlatter病 Osgood-Schlatter Disease204

膝关节骨软骨炎剥脱 Osteochondritis Dissecans:Knee206

髌骨痛综合征 Patellar Pain Syndrome208

儿童骨脱位 Patellar Dislocation in the Child210

胫骨弯曲 Tibial Bowing212

“∧”字脚和“∨”字脚 Toeing In and Out214

小腿弯曲和膝内翻 Bowlegs and Knock-knee216

肢体不等长 Limb Length Inequality218

儿童跛行(0~5岁) Limping Child(Age0-5 years)220

儿童跛行(5~10岁) Limping Child(Age5-10years)222

儿童跛行(10~15岁) Limping Child(Age10-15years)224

关节渗出 Joint Effusion226

畸形足 Clubfoot228

跖骨内翻 Metatarsus Varus230

垂直距骨(先天性足外翻) Vertical Talus(Congenital Convex Pes Valgus)232

空凹足(高弓足) Cavus Foot234

扁平足 Flatfoot236

跗骨联合体 Tarsal Coalition238

脑瘫 Cerebral Palsy240

脊椎裂 Spina Bifida242

肌肉疾病(松软儿) Muscle Disease(Floppy Infant)244

可疑肌肉疾病(2~10岁) Suspected Muscle Disease(Age 2-10 years)246


远位指间关节损伤 Distal Interphalangeal Joint Injury250

近位指间关节损伤—Ⅰ Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Injury 1252

近位指间关节损伤—Ⅱ Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Injury 2254

掌指关节损伤 Metacarpophalangeal Joint Injury256

指骨骨折 Phalangeal Fracture258

掌骨骨折 Fractures of the Metacarpals260

腕损伤—Ⅰ Carpal Disruption 1262

腕损伤—Ⅱ Carpal Disruption 2264

舟骨骨折 Scaphoid Fracture266

舟骨不愈合 Scaphoid Nonunion268

穿透伤 Penetrating Injury270

咬伤 Bite Wounds272

手感染 Hand Infection274

指端损伤 Fingertip Injury276

手部截指 Amputation in the Hand278

屈肌腱损伤 Flexor Tendon Injury280

伸肌腱损伤 Extensor Tendon Injuries282

灼伤 Thermal Injury284

手部骨肿瘤 Skeletal Tumors in the Hand286

手部软组织肿瘤 Soft Tissue Tumors in the Hand288

狭窄性腱鞘炎 Stenosing Tenosynovitis290

上肢神经受压 Upper Extremity Nerve Compression292

臂丛神经损伤 Brachial Plexus Injury294

类风湿性关节炎:手和上肢 Rheumatoid Arthritis:Hand and Upper Extremity296

手和前臂疼痛与感觉异常 Pain and Altered Sensation in the Hand and Forearm298

索引 INDEX(英汉对照)300
