

  • 陈楚娃编著 著
  • 出版社: 合肥市:安徽科学技术出版社
  • ISBN:7533737873
  • 出版时间:2007
  • 标注页数:464页
  • 文件大小:14MB
  • 文件页数:521页
  • 主题词:英语-词语


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A(Number one) 一流(或最优等)1

a corn of wheat 一粒麦子1

a drop in the bucket 桶里的一滴水1

a grain of mustard seed 一粒芥子种2

A horse!A horse!My kingdom for a horse. 一匹马!一匹马!一个王国换一匹马。2

a house divided against itself 内讧的家庭2

A little bird told(whispered to)me. 鸟传扬此声音。3

A little fire kindles a forest. 星星之火可点燃森林。3

a seeker of the city 寻城的人3

a skeleton in the cupboard 衣橱里的骷髅4

a son of Bacchus 酒神巴克斯之子4

a sunshine place 一块有阳光的地方4

a sword of Jamac 雅尔纳克一剑5

A wise man is never less alone than when alone. 智者独处并不孤寂。5

Aaron's rod 亚伦的神杖5

abide ye every man in his place 各人要住各自的地方6

Abraham cove 亚伯拉罕汉子6

Abraham's eye 亚伯拉罕的目光6

Absalom's hair 押沙龙的头发7

Academy 学园7

according to Cocker 按照柯克规则7

according to Hoyle 按照霍伊尔规则8

Achates'friendship 阿卡忒斯的友谊8

Achilles'shield 阿喀琉斯之盾8

Adam's ale 亚当的麦酒9

Adam's profession 亚当的职业9

Adam's son 亚当之子9

Adam's times 亚当时代9

add insult to injury 辱上加辱10

admirable Crichton 令人钦佩的克赖顿10

Adonis'flowers 阿多尼斯的花(玫瑰花的别名)10

Aeacus 埃阿科斯11

Aeneas 埃涅阿斯11

Aether(ether) 埃忒耳(即以太)11

after me whether there is a flood 我死后哪怕洪水滔天12

after one's own heart 合某人心意12

after sb.'s image and likeness 按照某人的形象与样式12

After you,English gentlemen! 你们先请吧,英国先生们!13

Agamemnon's fate 阿伽门农的命运13

Age of chivalry is dead. 骑士时代已告终。13

Aladdin's lamp 阿拉丁神灯14

Alasnam's mirror 阿拉斯那姆的镜子14

albatross round someone's neck 颈上的信天翁14

Alexander the Great 亚历山大大帝15

Alexander and robber 亚历山大与海盗15

Alexander's horse 亚历山大的坐骑16

All-American 全美最佳的16

allin all 万物之主16

All is not gold that glitters. 发光的东西未必都是金子。16

All roads lead to Rome. 条条道路通罗马。17

All the cats are grey in the night. 夜间的猫都是灰色的。17

All the world is a stage. 世界是个舞台。17

All theory is grey,but the tree of actual life springs ever green. 理论是灰色的,而生活之树才是常青的。18

All they that take the sword shall perish with sword. 凡动刀的必死在刀下。18

Allobroge 阿洛布罗热人18

all thumbs 笨拙的大拇指19

Alpha and Omega 阿尔法和俄梅戛19

Althaea's brand 阿尔泰亚的柴薪19

Amazon's women 阿玛宗部落的女人19

ambitions of Theseus成 修斯的抱负20

ambitious as Pha?thon 像法厄同的壮志20

ambsace 双幺20

America 亚美利加21

American dream 美国梦21

amen comer 教堂前排21

Amphitryon 安菲特律翁22

Amyris plays the fool 阿密利斯在干蠢事22

an incorruptible crown 不朽的冠冕22

Anacreontic 阿那克里翁诗体23

anchor of the soul 灵魂的锚23

Ancient of Days 亘古常在者23

Androcles and a lion 安特克利斯和狮子24

Andromeda 安德洛墨达24

Angel Gabriel 大天使加百列24

Ange's plume 昂热的羽笔25

Annie Oakley 安妮·奥克莉25

another Richmond in the field 战场上的又一个里士满25

answer a fool according to his folly 照愚昧人的愚妄话回答他26

Antaeus'strength 安泰俄斯的力量26

antiques and horribles 古怪恐怖队26

Apis 圣牛阿庇斯27

Aphrodite's arrow 阿佛洛狄忒之箭27

Apostle of the sword 带剑的使徒27

apple of discord 引起纷争的苹果28

apple-pie order 苹果饼秩序28

Arabian Night 《天方夜谭》28

arena of bears and bulls 证券交易所29

Argonaut's heroes 阿耳戈船英雄29

Argus'eyes 阿耳戈斯的眼睛29

Ariadne's thread 阿里阿德涅线团30

aristocracy of the spirit 精神贵族30

Ark of the Covenant 约柜31

Ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat. 方舟停在亚拉腊山上。31

Armageddon(Harmagedon) 哈米吉多顿31

as beautiful as Cleopatra 美似埃及艳后32

Arthur's Wain 北斗七星32

as choosing a chemise 像换衬衫一样32

as clear as crystal 水晶般明澈33

as large as Heideberger's barrel 像海德堡大酒桶33

as old as Herod 老得像希律33

as pleased as Pounch 像庞奇一样高兴34

as quiet as sacral bells on golden Friday 像耶稣受难日的钟那样寂静34

as(the)sparks fly upward 如同火星飞腾34

as the apple of the eye 像爱护瞳仁一样35

as snow in summer and rain in harvest 夏天落雪,收割时下雨35

Ascension Day 耶稣升天节35

ask for bread and be given a stone 求饼而得石头36

asperges 洒圣水仪式36

ass in a lion's skin 披着狮皮的驴子36

ass waggeth his ears 驴子摇耳朵36

Asclepius 医神阿斯克勒庇俄斯37

at Bellona's service 为帕隆娜效力37

at latter Lammas 在第二个收获节37

at the eleventh hour 最后的时刻(或在11点钟)38

Astraea times 阿斯忒赖亚时代38

Atlas Mountains 阿特拉斯山脉38

Augustan Age 奥古斯都时代39

Aunt Sally 沙丽大婶39

axe is laid unto the root of the trees 斧子已放在树根上39


B man B 字号人物41

baby-kisser 吻婴儿的人41

Babylon is fallen. 巴比伦倾倒了。41

Babylonian Captivity 巴比伦之囚42

back of the moon 月亮背后42

backstair(s)influence 后楼梯的影响42

Bagoas 巴戈耳斯43

bag of Aeolus 埃俄罗斯的风袋43

bake the broom 烤扫帚43

baker's dozen 面包师的一打44

Balaam's ass 巴兰的驴子44

balance of power 势力均衡44

balm in Gilead 基列的乳香45

bank holiday (英)公假日45

Bankrupt Law 矿产法45

baptism of fire 圣灵的洗礼45

Baroque style 巴洛克风格46

Bastille 巴士底狱46

bay at the moon 向月亮狂吠46

be a Diana 成为贞洁的月神(狄安娜)47

be a scapegoat 作替罪羊47

be a stonewall 充当石墙47

be a Swiss 作瑞士人48

be at the same board 在同一船舷上48

be at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟48

be erudite just to teeth 博学到牙齿49

be false like a chip 假得像筹码49

be hurt by a sting 被蜂螫了49

be in Burke 载入伯克宗谱49

be in Carey Street 身陷凯里街50

be left in the basket 置于篮子中50

be made a spectacle unto the world 构成一台戏50

be on the side of the angels 站在天使这边50

be out of the count 超出读秒51

be over a barrel 趴在桶上51

be pleased as a butcher 高兴得像屠夫51

be proud as lice 傲慢似虱子52

be raised to the purple 步入紫色52

be saved by the bell 获救于铃声52

be sent to Botany Bay 被送往植物湾52

be sent up the river 被送到河上游53

be weighed in the balance,and found wanting 用天平称却不够分量。53

be worth one's salt 值所吃的盐53

bear and the teakettle 熊与茶炊54

Bear Garden 斗熊场54

bear one's cross 背自己的十字架54

bear the bell 拥有铃铛54

bear's service 熊的效劳55

bear sucking his paws 吮掌的熊55

Beard is dropped! 胡子掉了!55

beat swords into ploughshares 将刀打成犁头56

beat the air 打空气56

Beauty is life. 美是生活。56

Bedlam's Tom(Bess) 贝德兰姆的汤姆(或贝斯)57

Beelzebub 别西卜(或撒旦、魔鬼)57

began from Leda's egg 从勒达的蛋起始57

behind the eight ball 位于8号球之后58

belly of Paris 巴黎之腹58

Belshazzar's feast 伯沙撒盛宴58

Benjamin's mess 便雅悯的一份58

Beowulf's deeds 贝奥武甫的功绩59

better half 另半个我59

(The)better the day,the better the deed. 日子好,好做事。59

Better is a dinner of herbs where love is. 宁愿和爱人吃素餐。60

Better is a neighbour that is near than a brother far off. 远亲不如近邻。60

between Scylla and Charybdis 处于斯库拉与卡律布狄斯之间60

between hammer and anvil 处于锤砧之间61

Big Bertha 大贝尔塔61

big-endians 大端派61

bigwig 大假发62

billingsgate 比灵斯门62

bird of ill omen 不祥之鸟62

birthday suit 诞辰之衣63

bite one's glove 咬手套63

bite the dust 啃泥巴63

black hole of Calcutta 加尔各答的黑洞63

black sheep 黑羊64

blessed are the peacemakers 使人和睦的人有福了64

(the)blind lead the blind 瞎子领瞎子64

blindmen's dinner 盲人之宴64

blitz(blitzkrieg) 闪电战65

Blondel 布朗德尔65

blood-and-iron policy 铁血政策(即黩武政策)65

blood,toil,tears and sweat 鲜血、劳碌、眼泪和汗水66

blood field 血田66

blood for blood 以血还血66

bloody Mary 血腥玛丽67

blow hot and cold 忽冷忽热67

blue beard 蓝胡子67

blue bird 青鸟67

blue blood 蓝色血液68

blue-eagle emblem 蓝鹰徽68

blue-eyed maid of heaven 蓝眼睛的智慧女神68

blue flower 蓝花69

blue hen's chickens 蓝母鸡雏儿69

blue Monday 蓝色星期一69

blue moonshine 蓝色月光70

blue ribbon 蓝绶带70

blue stocking 蓝袜子70

bone of the bone,and flesh of the flesh 骨中骨,肉中肉71

Books are contemporary's life. 书籍是当代的生命。71

book sealed with seven seals 七印封严的书卷71

boomerang baby 还巢儿72

bore sb.'s ears 穿耳朵72

Boreas 北风神玻瑞阿斯72

born with a silver spoon in one's mouth 生来就口衔银匙72

borrowed plumes 借来的羽毛73

bottomless pit 无底坑73

bow down in the house of Rimmon 膜拜临门神73

bow down one's ears 侧耳倾听74

Bowdlerize 鲍德勒化74

bowels and mercies 慈悲与怜悯74

Box and Cox life 鲍克斯与考克斯的生活75

Boxing Day 节礼日75

Boycott 杯葛(即联合抵制)75

Brahmanism 婆罗门教76

brand from the burning 火中抽薪76

brand of Cain 该隐的记号76

bread and circuses 面包和马戏77

break bread 掰饼(或参加圣餐礼)77

break Priseian's head 打破普里西安的头77

break the bands of one's yoke 折断所负的轭77

Brevity is the soul of wit. 简洁是智慧的灵魂。78

bride of the sea 海的新娘78

bridge of sighs 叹息桥78

British Lion 不列颠之狮79

Brother Jonathan 乔纳森大哥79

brow brass 铜额头79

Bruce and Spider 布鲁斯和蜘蛛80

Brummagem jewelry 伯明翰的珠宝80

Buck stops here. 银元在此。80

Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫81

Burke(burker) 伯克81

burn one's boats 破釜沉舟81

burn the candle at both ends 蜡烛两头烧82

burn up Hell's fire 把地狱之火烧旺82

bury with the burial of an ass 像埋驴一样埋葬82

bury one's head in the sand 头埋入沙里83

bury the hatchet 埋掉战斧83

bush that is not burnt 烧不毁的荆棘83

but it does move 可它毕竟在转动83

buy a pig in a poke 买下一头袋中猪84

by hook or by crook 用钩刀或弯头牧杖84

by bell,clock and book 动用钟、书和蜡烛84


cackling geese 鸣叫的鹅群85

Caduceus 盘蛇杖85

Caesar's wife must be above suspicion. 恺撒之妻不应有质疑。85

cakes and ale 糕饼与麦酒86

Caliban 卡列班86

call the child's real name 要叫小孩真名86

calumet of peace 和平烟斗87

camel to go through the eye of a needle 骆驼穿过针眼87

cameo appearance 客串出场87

Can there any good thing come out of Nezareth? 拿撒勒还能出什么好的么?88

Can the leopard change his spots? 豹岂能改变斑点呢?88

canonical prophets 正典先知88

Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》89

cap and bells 帽子和铃铛89

cap of liberty 自由帽89

carpet begger 地毯上的乞丐90

carpet knight 地毯骑士90

carry a torch 举起火炬90

carry off the palm 获得棕榈枝91

carry coals to Newcastle 往纽卡斯尔运煤91

cart draws the horse 马车拉马走91

cash in one's chips 筹码兑现钱91

cash value 兑现价值92

cask of Danaides 达那伊得斯姐妹之桶92

Cassius 凯歇斯92

Cassandra's prophecy 卡珊德拉的预言93

cast out devils through the prince of the devils 靠鬼王赶鬼93

cast lots upon one's vesture 拈阄儿分内衣93

Castalia's spring 卡斯塔利亚圣泉94

castle in the air 空中城堡94

cast thy bread upon the waters 把粮食撒在水面上94

east the stone 用石头打人95

Castor and Pollux(Ploydeuces) 卡斯托尔和波鲁克斯95

Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance. 勿捕空影而丢实物。95

Catch-22 第22条军规96

cave dwellers(men) 穴居人96

Caviar(e)to the general 不合众人口味的鱼子酱96

ceremony of opening mouth 开口仪式97

chain of friendship 友谊之链97

change fromSaul to Paul 扫罗更名为保罗97

Charity shall cover the multitude of sins. 爱能遮罪。98

Charon's boat(ferry) 喀戎的摆渡船98

chastise with scorpions 用蝎子鞭打98

cheer(sb)to the echo 为某人大声喝彩99

Cherub 小天使基路伯99

child in the wood 林中孩儿99

Child Harold 恰尔德·哈罗尔德100

Chimera 喀迈拉100

chinaman's chance 瓷器商的运气100

chip on one's shoulder 肩头有块木片100

Christmas trees are burning. 圣诞树点燃了。101

Cinderella 辛德蕾拉101

circumlocution office 兜圈子部101

citizens with their lances 手持长矛的市民102

City of the Angel's 天使之城102

clay pigeon 黏土鸽子102

clean bill of health 无疫证明书102

cleanse the Augean stables 清扫奥吉亚斯牛厩103

Cleopatra's nose 克娄巴特拉的鼻子103

Coastis clear. 海岸上路开通了。103

Cock Lane's ghost 公鸡巷的幽灵104

cock in the basket 篮中公鸡104

cockpit of Europe 欧洲斗鸡场104

Coggeshall's job 科吉歇尔人的举动105

Columbus discovered America. 哥伦布发现新大陆。105

Columbus'egg 哥伦布的鸡蛋105

comeback kid 复返的小子106

Conference is playing game. 会议在游乐。106

Cordelia's gift 考狄尼亚的天赋106

cords of a man and bands of love 慈绳爱索107

cornerstone 房角石107

corn in Egypt 埃及的粮食107

Cornucopia 丰裕的羊角108

corpse-worship 尸体崇拜108

Cousin Michael 米歇尔老表109

Creole 克里奥耳人109

Cretians who are always liars 爱撒谎的克里特岛人109

crock of gold at the end of the rainbow 彩虹尽头可采金110

crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪110

cross in life 人生十字架110

cross one's heart 行十字礼111

cross the Rubicon 越过卢比孔河111

cross the Stygian ferry 渡过冥河渡口111

crown of thorns 荆棘冠112

Crucifixion of Jesus 耶稣殉难112

Crusades 十字军东征112

crystal palace 水晶宫112

cudgel one's brains 用木棍敲打脑壳113

cultivate his garden 种他的园子113

cup of Circe 喀耳刻的药酒114

cup of life 生活之杯114

cupof cold water 一杯凉水114

cup runs over(overflows) 福杯满溢115

Cupid's gold arrow 丘比特金箭115

curate's egg 助理牧师的鸡蛋115

curious as Lot's wife 像罗得妻子那么好奇115

curled darlings 鬈发可儿116

cut(up)Dido(e)s 狄多的恶作剧116

cut Gordian knot 解戈尔迪之结116

cut the tablecloth 剪开桌布117

Cyclopes'eye 额中眼117


dagger(stab)arms 刺臂取血118

Damon and Pythias 达蒙与皮提阿斯118

Daniel into the den of lions 狮坑中的但以理118

dance on the volcano 在火山上跳舞119

dance with corpses in Basel 巴塞尔死人舞119

Daphnis 牧神达佛尼斯119

dark waters,and thick clouds of skies 水的黑暗,天空的厚云120

darken counsel by words without knowledge 用无知的言语使旨意晦暗不明120

daughter of the horseleech 蚂蟥的女儿120

David and Jonathan 大卫和约拿单121

days of Jared 雅列的岁数121

day that will live in infamy 永远耻辱的一天121

dead dog 死狗121

Death quits all scores. 一死遮百羞。122

Death to a tyrant,peace to cottages! 把死亡给暴君,把和平给茅屋!122

Delilah 大利拉122

Dionysian Spirit 狄俄尼索斯精神123

deliver us from evil 救我们脱离凶恶123

delivery of mail 发邮件123

Delphic oracle 特尔斐的神谕124

Demeter's present 得墨忒耳的礼物124

Demodocus 得摩多科斯124

Demosthenic speech 德摩斯梯尼式演说125

despise pride with a greater pride 用更大的骄傲鄙视骄傲125

Devil can cite Scripture. 魔鬼也会引用《圣经》。125

devil living in the purse 魔鬼宿在钱包里126

devil's advocate 魔鬼的辩护士126

devil's door 魔鬼之门126

dew of Hermon 黑门的甘露127

die is cast 色子已掷出127

dine with Duke Humphrey 同汉弗莱公爵一道进餐127

Diogene's lantern 第欧根尼的灯笼128

Diogene's tub 第欧根尼的木桶128

disciple is not above his master 学生不能高过先生128

disciple of Momus 摩摩斯的门徒129

dishonest tomato 不忠实的番茄129

Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园129

do a number on sb. 给某人一段编号小品130

do-it-yourselfism 自己动手主义130

do in Rome as the Romans do 在罗马就像罗马人那样做事130

do not belong to this world 不属于这个世界131

dog days 三伏天131

dog in a doublet 穿紧身上衣的狗131

dog in the manger 狗占马槽132

Dollar Diplomacy 金元外交132

donkey of Buridan 布利丹的驴子132

Donnybrook Fair 多尼布洛克集市133

Don't halloo(whistle) before(till) you are out of the wood. 未走出树林,莫过早欢呼。133

Don't step on my geometrical figure! 别踩在我的几何图形上!133

Don't swap horses when crossing a stream. 切莫中流换马。134

Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. 不要把婴儿和洗澡水一起泼掉。134

doublethink 双重思考134

doubting Thomas 怀疑的多马135

dove of peace 和平鸽135

down with the defeated 痛苦属于战败者135

Downing Street 唐宁街136

Draconian Code 德拉古法律136

draw a bow at a venture 随便开弓136

drink at eleven o'clock 11点钟的饮料137

drink off candle's end 饮尽烛泪137

dripping water hollows out a stone 滴水穿石137

drive out of the temple 赶出殿外137

dust and ashes 尘埃之身138

Dutch concert 荷兰人的音乐会138

Dutch courage 荷兰人的勇气138

dwarf on a giant's shoulders sees the farther of the two 站在巨人肩上的侏儒,看得比巨人远139

dwell under one's vine and fig-tree 在自家葡萄藤和无花果树下安居139


Each French soldier's pack has a mashal's stick. 每个法国士兵的背囊里都有一根元帅的指挥棒。140

eastern gate 扶桑140

Eastern Sepulchre 复活节圣物置放所140

eat a piece of bread 吃了一块面包141

eat crow 吃乌鸦141

eat Dunmow bacon 吃邓莫镇的腊肉141

eat forbidden fruit 吃禁果142

eat frog 吃掉青蛙142

eat manna 靠吗哪充饥142

eat no fish 不吃鱼142

eat the leek 吃韭葱143

Eat to live,not live to eat. 吃是为了活着,活着不是为了吃。143

Echidna 厄喀德那143

echo in one's heart 与某人共鸣144

ecu in the sun 太阳下的埃居144

Egeria 厄革里亚144

egg of the universe 宇宙之卵145

Egyptian darkness 埃及黑暗145

Egyptian wig 埃及人的假发145

El Dorado 镀金的人(埃尔多拉多)146

elect of God 上帝的选民146

Electra complex 恋父情结146

Elijah fed by ravens 乌鸦供养以利亚147

eloquence of Aaron 亚伦的口才147

empty the bag 把包倒空147

End crowns the work. 结局决定一切。148

ended by a fish-tail 以鱼尾结束148

Endymion 恩底弥翁148

enfant of the ball 球的孩子148

engineer(s)of mankind's soul 人类灵魂的工程师149

Englishman's home is his castle. 英国人的家是城堡。149

enter Hades Palace 进哈得斯宫149

entertain an angel unawares 不知不觉接待天使150

Ephod 以弗得圣衣150

Epigone 厄皮戈尼(后辈英雄)150

era of martyrs 殉教时代151

escape with the skin of one's teeth 只剩牙皮逃脱了151

Eternal city 不朽之城151

Eumenides 复仇三女神152

Eureka! 埃夫里长!152

evangel 福音152

Every barber knows that. 每个理发师都知道。153

every good gift 各种善美的恩赐153

Everything flows and nothing stays. 一切皆流,一切皆变。153

evil eye 毒眼154

evil seven 凶恶的7154

exalt oneself 自恃高傲154

eye for eye,tooth for tooth 以眼还眼,以牙还牙154


F is written on one's face 写在脸上的F字156

Fabian policy(tactics) 费边的持久战略156

facea city and the world 面对一座城市和全世界156

face the music 面对音乐157

Facts are stubborn things. 事实是顽强的东西。157

fable of music 音乐寓言157

faithful Andromache 忠贞的安德洛玛刻158

fall into Tartarus 堕入塔耳塔洛斯158

fall into the third-floor basement 掉进第三层地下室158

famous as the white wolf 像白狼一样有名159

fancy-dress ball 化装舞会159

Fasting comes after feasting. 今朝宴饮,明日挨饿。159

fat hens lay few eggs. 鸡肥不下蛋。160

Father of lies 撒谎始祖撒旦160

fear and trembling 恐惧和战栗160

feast of reason and a flow of soul 理智的盛宴、灵魂的交流160

feather in one's cap 帽上的羽翎161

feel pain of death 感到死亡的痛苦161

feet partly of iron and partly of clay 半铁半泥的足161

Ferdinard Magellan 费迪南德·麦哲伦162

Fifth Column 第五纵队162

fig leaf 无花果叶162

fig tree without fruit 不结果子的无花果树163

fight like cat and dog 像猫与狗争斗163

fight like kilkenny cats 像基尔肯尼猫一样打斗163

find the way to Damascus 找到去大马士革的路164

find Peter's key 寻找彼得的钥匙164

finger(writing)on the wall 墙上的手指(或文字)165

Fire and sword 火与剑165

First I am a human,then a woman! 我首先是人,其次才是女人!165

flatfoot 平足166

Fleet Street 弗利特街166

flesh and blood 血肉之躯166

flesh pots of Egypt 埃及的肉锅166

flies in the ointment 膏油里的苍蝇167

fling an old shoe after someone 向某人抛旧鞋167

fly on the coach wheel 马车轮上的苍蝇167

fly the white feather 飞起白羽毛167

flying Dutchman 漂泊的荷兰人168

for passersby 为了过路的人168

for stomach's sake 因胃口不清168

for the beaux yeux of sb. 为了某人的漂亮眼睛169

for the prunes 为了李子169

for your mercy punishment 感谢仁慈的惩罚169

forget-me-not 勿忘我170

Fortunatus'purse 福图内特斯的钱袋170

Fortune is blind. 命运女神是盲目的。170

forum of conscience 良心的裁判171

four horsemen of the Revelation 四骑士171

French leave 法国式告别171

Friday 星期五171

from clogs to clogs is only three generations 穿木屐只不过三代人172

from Elysium's daughters 来自爱丽舍园的女儿172

from Land's End to John O'Groat's 从兰兹角到约翰·奥格罗茨172

from Pontius to Pilate 本丢推给彼拉多173

from Romulo up to the present 从罗慕洛直至如今173

from the egg to the apple 从鸡蛋到苹果174

from sea to sea 从这海到那海174

from the sublime to the ridiculous is only a step. 从崇高到滑稽可笑仅一步之差。174

From the top of the pyramids,forty centuries has contemplated you. 40个世纪从这些金字塔的顶端注视着你们。174

From whose bourne no traveller returns. 这国度未曾有旅人去而复返。175

future's music 未来的音乐175


gall and wormwood 苦胆和茵陈176

Gallic Cock(Gaul Cock) 高卢雄鸡176

Gallio 迦流176

Gandhiism 甘地主义177

Ganymedes 伽倪墨得斯177

garden of Armida 阿尔米达的花园177

garden of Eden 伊甸园178

garden of Semiramis 塞米拉弥斯花园178

Gate of Tears 泪门178

General Frost 严寒将军179

Genius is patience. 天才即忍耐。179

gentile 外邦人179

geographical expression 地理概念180

gerrymander 格里曼德180

get the golden cup 摘取金杯180

Get thee hence,Satan! 走开吧,撒旦!181

get out of bed on the wrong way 下错了床181

get the sack 拿起粗布袋181

ghostly comfort 精神安慰181

gift of the Magi 博士的礼物182

give sb.a cigarette 给某人一枝香烟182

give up the ghost 将灵魂交付上帝182

give sb.a memo 给某人备忘便条183

glimpse of Pisgah 毗斯迦的一瞥183

gnash of teeth 咬牙切齿183

go baldheaded for sth./sb. 光着脑袋向前冲184

go on a pilgrimage 去朝圣184

go rabbit-hunting with a dead ferret 用死貂引兔子184

go the way of all(the)earth 走世人必走的路185

go through with a red cord 像一根红线贯穿着185

go to Bath 到巴斯去185

go to Canossa 去卡诺萨忏悔185

Go to Jericho! 到耶利哥去!186

go west 去西天186

go where the woodbine twines 去忍冬缠绕的地方186

God helps those who help themselves. 自助者,上帝助之。187

God is dead. 上帝死了。187

God's bandwagon 上帝的彩车187

god of marriage 月下老人188

goddess of liberty 自由女神像188

Gog and Magog 歌革和玛各188

gold bowl is broken 金碗破裂189

Golden Age 黄金时代189

golden apple 金苹果189

golden fleece 金羊毛189

golden Friday 圣星期五190

golden mean 黄金的中庸之道190

golden opinions 金子般的评价190

golden rule 金箴191

golden shower 金雨191

golden stool 金凳子191

Golgotha 各各他(即骷髅地)192

Goliath 歌利亚192

gone with the wind 随风而逝192

Goneril 高纳里尔192

good Samaritan 好撒玛利亚人193

good shepherd 好牧人193

good sign 好的标记193

good wines need no bush 好酒何须挂树枝194

goodly Joseph 纯洁的约瑟194

Gothic 哥特人194

Government of the people,by the people,for the people shall not perish from the earth. 民有、民治、民享的政府决不会从地球上灭亡。195

grace of God 上帝恩赐的195

grand tour 大陆旅行195

grapes are sour 葡萄是酸的196

grave on the wood 在符木上刻着196

gray horse 灰马196

great gulf fixed(set) 有深渊限定197

great hunter Nimrod 好猎手宁录197

great-power chauvinism 大国沙文主义197

greatest stone has been rolled back 最大的石板已被搬走198

Greek gift 希腊人的礼物198

Greek soup 希腊式汤198

green-eyed monster 绿眼妖魔199

green power 绿钞万能199

Gretna Green marriage 格雷特纳·格林的婚姻199

grey Bishop 灰衣主教200

grin like a Cheshire cat 像柴郡猫咧嘴傻笑200

gymnastic 训练课程200


Halcyon days 阿尔库俄涅的日子202

half fig,half grape 一半无花果,一半葡萄202

hallelujah(alleluia) 哈利路亚202

Haman's victory 哈曼的胜利203

hang one's harp on the willows 把琴挂在柳树上203

hang a millstone about one's neck 把磨石挂在颈上203

hang sb.on the lantern 吊在路灯上204

hang the bloody shirt 挂起血衣204

Hannibal's oath 汉尼拔的誓言204

Harley Street 哈利大街205

harp and evil spirit 竖琴与恶魔205

harrowing(harrying)of Hell 征服地狱205

Hathor column 哈陶尔爱神柱205

haul someone over the coals 把某人拖到炭火上206

Have the expert on tap not on top 专家不在头顶上,而在手边。206

have an axe to grind 有斧子要磨207

have clean hands,and a pure heart 手洁心清207

have not where to lay one's head 没有枕头的地方207

have sb.phlebotomized 给人放血208

have the scalp of sb. 剥某人头皮208

have two strikes against one 两击不中,只剩一击208

hay in one's boots 靴子里有干草209

He is a tiesmith. 他是个领带匠。209

He is all things to all men. 他八面玲珑。209

He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。210

He will never set on the Thames on fire. 他不会有惊人之举。210

heap coals of fire on somebody's head 把炭火堆在某人头上210

heaping Ossa upon Pelion 把俄萨山摞到珀利翁山上211

hear birds'songs 听到鸟儿歌唱211

hear Cherubim's songs 听小天使唱歌211

hear grass growing 听到草在生长212

heart melted,and became as water 心就融化如水212

Hebe 青春女神赫柏212

Hecate 冥界女神赫卡忒213

Hecatomb 百牛大祭213

heel of Achilles 阿喀琉斯的脚踵213

Helicon fountain 赫利孔山的神泉214

Hell has no fury like a woman scorned. 地狱厉鬼的怒火也比不过失恋的女人。214

Hellen of one's Troy 特洛伊的海伦214

Hephaestus'trick 赫菲斯托斯的花招215

Hercules at the crossing 十字路口的赫拉克勒斯215

Hercules'Pillars 赫拉克勒斯石柱215

Here is the forest of Bondy. 这里是邦迪森林。216

Hermes 赫耳墨斯216

Herodias 希罗底216

hide one's light under a bushel 把灯藏在斗底下217

Hippocratic oath 希波克拉底誓言217

History,the thin,old horse. 历史,这匹瘦弱的老马。218

hit a man when he's down 击打已倒地的人218

Hobson's choice 霍布森的选择218

hoist by one's own petard 被自家的爆破筒轰上天218

hold one's thumb 握住拇指219

hold the mirror up to nature 给自然照镜子219

hold the scales even 作公平的裁判219

hold up a torch to see sb.off 举着火把送客220

Holy fire 圣火220

Holy Island 圣岛220

Holy of Holies 至圣所221

Holy quest 寻找圣杯221

Homer sometimes nods. 荷马有时也打盹。221

Homeric laughter 荷马笔下的笑声222

Honeymoon is over. 蜜月已结束。222

horse of another colour 另一种颜色的马222

How doth the city sit solitary? 城市何竟独坐?223

How far is it from sot to Scot? 酒鬼和苏格兰相差多远?223

Huns from Hell 地狱来的恶人223

hunt white deer 追猎白鹿224

hurmony(music) of the spheres 天体运动的音乐224

hurt sb.to the quick 触及某人痛处224

Hyacinthus 雅辛托斯225

Hyde Park's orator 海德公园的演讲家225

Hydra 九头蛇海德拉225

hygiene 卫生226


I am that(who)I am. 我依旧故我。227

I am the first and the last. 我是开始,也是终结。227

I am here,I'll remain here. 我在这里,也将留在这里。227

Iam sword,and I am flame. 我是剑,我是火焰。228

I came,I saw,I conquered! 我来了,看见了,征服了!228

I can walk the chalk(s). 我能在粉笔线内行走。228

I feel it's Spanish. 我觉得这是西班牙的。229

I live in Arkadia,too. 我也生在阿卡迪亚。229

I'll write a capital letter P. 我要写一个大写字母P。229

I love Plato,but even love truth. 我爱柏拉图,但更爱真理。230

I only know I know nothing. 知道自己无知。230

Icarus'flying 伊卡洛斯的飞行231

idols of the cave(den) 洞窟的偶像231

If you want peace,prepare for war. 若要和平,请准备战争。231

ills that flesh is heir to 遗传病症232

Immortal Bard 不朽的诗人232

in Abraham's basom 在亚伯拉罕怀抱里232

In much wisdom is much grief. 多有智慧,多有愁烦。233

in sackcloth and ashes 披麻蒙灰233

in the arms of Morpheus 在摩耳甫斯怀抱中233

in the black book 罪过纪录簿233

in the seventh heaven 在七重天234

in the sweat of thy face 汗流满面234

In this sigh shalt thou conquer! 以此旗帜取胜!234

In wine,there is truth. 酒中有真理。235

iron curtain 铁幕235

introspection of soul 心灵的内省235

Invincible Fleet 无敌舰队236

iron heel 铁蹄236

iron maiden 铁女架236

Isis'veil 伊西斯的面纱237

Islands of the Blest 福人岛237

Israel went out of Egypt. 以色列人出埃及。237

It is finished. 成了。238

It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. 不要踢刺棍。238

It's for old Fritz. 这是给老弗里茨干的。238

It's the last struggle. 最后一次坚决的斗争。239

It's the robe that's on salute. 崇拜的是官服。239

It was roses all the way. 一路撒满玫瑰。239

It would provoke a saint. 这话使圣人也要发脾气。240


Jack-in-Lent 大斋期的杰克241

Jack,the Ripper 肢解者杰克241

Jacob's ladder 雅各的梯子241

Jake Ketch 杰克·凯奇242

Janus'face 雅努士的面孔242

Jehu 耶户242

Jesus 耶稣243

Job's comforter 约伯的安慰者243

Job's patience 约伯的忍耐243

John Bull 约翰牛244

John Hancock 约翰·汉考克244

Jonah's gourd 约拿的蓖麻244

Jonathan's arrows 约拿单的箭245

Joseph's coat 约瑟的彩衣245

Judas'kiss 犹大的吻245

judgement of Solomon 所罗门判案246

jump the bandwagon 爬上乐队车246

Jupiter can do it,but the bull can't. 朱庇特可做,公牛不可做。246

Jupiter Pluvius 雨神朱庇特247


keep abreast with time 与时代并肩而行248

keep one's fingers crossed 交叉手指248

keep one's powder dry 保持火药干燥248

keep up with the Joneses 赶上琼斯家249

Kentish fire 肯特郡人的狂热249

key of knowledge 知识的钥匙249

Key shall be on one's grave. 钥匙放在坟墓上。250

Key shall be on one's shoulder. 把钥匙放在某人肩上。250

kindom of heaven 天国250

kine(bull)of Bushan 巴珊公牛251

King can do no wrong. 国王不可能犯法。251

King Cole 国王科尔251

King Lear's judgement 李尔王的判断252

king of the castle 城堡之王252

King Leonidas 列奥尼达斯国王252

King's English 标准英语253

kiss one's own hand 吻自己的手(即飞吻)253

kiss the Blarney stone 吻布拉尼石头253

knight's love affairs 骑士之爱253

Knights Templars 圣殿骑士团254

knight of the whipping-post 鞭刑柱上的骑士254

Knock,and it shall be opened unto you. 只要叩门,就会开门。254

know a hawk from a handsaw 分辨老鹰和苍鹭255

know B from a bull's foot 见牛趾识B字255

Know thyself 认识你自己255

Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。255


labyrinth 迷宫257

Lamb of God 上帝的羔羊257

lantern-and-candle-light 小心火烛257

Laocoon 拉奥孔258

last of Mohicans 最后的莫希干人258

Last Supper 最后的晚餐258

last trump 最后审判的号声259

law which altereth not 不可更改的禁令259

Lay a flattery unction to one's soul. 给灵魂涂上如意膏。259

lay up in a napkin 包在手巾里存着260

lay up in lavender 放入薰衣草260

lead a Jekyll-and-Hyde existence 过双重人格的生活260

Leander and Hero's love 勒安得耳与赫洛的爱情261

left-handed marriage(wife) 左手婚(或左手妻)261

Let not the sun go down upon your wrath. 勿留宿怨。261

Let the dead bury their dead. 让死人埋葬死人。262

Lethe 勒忒河(或忘川之河)262

letter of Urian 乌利亚的信262

Levers of Archimedes 阿基米德杠杆263

leviathan 利维坦263

lice of Moses 摩西的虱子263

lie dying on Jaffa 丧生在雅法264

lie with one's fathers 与祖先同睡264

Life is facing selection. 生活面临着抉择。264

Life is likened to a voyage. 人生好比航海。265

Life is struggle. 生活就是斗争。265

lift one's heel against sb. 用脚踢人265

life's intellective circle 生活智力圈266

lift up the horn 举角266

light of the world 世界之光266

light the smoking lamp 点起吸烟灯266

like a red rag to a bull 如同斗牛的红布267

like a turtle on its back here each time 每次到这里都翻车267

like a weather cock in the wind 像风信鸡一样267

Lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places. 用绳量给我的地界在佳美之处。268

literary salons 文艺沙龙268

live and let live 自己活着,也让别人活268

live in Bermudas 住在伯马达斯269

living water 活水269

logrolling 滚木头269

Logos 逻各斯270

Lombard Street 伦巴第人大街270

look like corpses in Basel 看上去像巴塞尔死尸270

Lorelei 女妖罗累莱271

lost sheep 迷路的羊271

lotusland 安乐乡271

love banquet 爱宴272

Love is strong as death,jealousy is cruel as the grave. 爱如死之坚强,恨如阴府之残忍。272

love your neighbours as yourself 爱邻居如同爱自己272

Love,love,when you prey upon us. 爱情、爱情,当你捕获了我们。273

Lucullian banquet(feast) 卢库鲁斯的宴会273

Lydford law 利德福德法律273

Lynceus 林叩斯274

lynch law 私刑274


Macedonian call 马其顿人的召唤275

made one's neck stiff 硬着颈项275

magic ring of love 爱情魔戒276

Maginot Line 马其诺防线276

mnaiden strewment 新婚花径276

make bread by stone 用石头做面包276

make bricks without straw 制作无草之砖277

make haste slowly 从容地忙碌277

make the domino 摆出多米诺骨牌277

make Turk 制造土耳其人278

make up pretty legs 美化双腿278

Mammon of unrighteousness 不义的财神玛门278

Man is the measure of all things. 人是万物的尺度。278

Manners maketh man. 礼仪可知其人。279

mantle of Elijah 以利亚外衣279

Marathon 马拉松赛跑279

mare's nest 母马之巢280

Marius on Carthaginian ruin 迦太基废墟上的马略280

mark with a white stone 白石的标记281

Marlboro Man 万宝路汉子281

marriage of Figaro 费加罗的婚礼281

Martin lost his ass. 马丹失驴。282

masked ball(或masque) 假面舞会282

masks of the noble 贵族的面具282

Maverick 马弗里克283

Maypole 五朔节花柱283

meal in a barrel and oil in a cruse 坛里的面,瓶里的油283

meal served by the headman 刽子手端来的饭菜284

Measures another's corn by one's own bushel. 以自家斗去量别人的谷子。284

Mecca 麦加284

meet one's Waterloo 遭遇滑铁卢285

Melchizedek's son 麦基洗德的子孙285

Mentor's tongue 门托耳的口气285

Mercian 麦西亚语286

Mephistophelean expression 摩菲斯特的表情286

Mestizo 墨斯提佐人286

Methuselah's days 玛士撒拉的寿命286

Mezuza(h) 经文楣铭(或门柱圣卷)287

Midas'food 弥达斯的食物287

midsummer madness 仲夏的疯狂287

milk of human kindness 人情乳汁288

millennium 千禧年288

Milo 弥隆288

mimeme 觅母289

mind's eye 心灵的眼睛289

Minerva from Jupiter's head 朱庇特头颅里钻出的密涅瓦289

misery index 痛苦指数290

mistake Pirée for the name of a human being 误把比雷当做人名290

mistake Jacob for Esau 错将雅各当以扫290

mix practicality(education,business)with pleasure 寓教于乐291

Moerae(Moirai) 命运女神摩伊赖291

Moloch 摩洛291

Mona Lisa smile 蒙娜丽莎的微笑292

monastic vow 修道士的誓愿292

Money has no smell. 金钱无所谓肮脏。292

Money is the root of all evil. 金钱乃万恶之源。293

Moses 摩西293

mote in sb.'s eye 眼中刺293

mother of Presidents 总统之乡294

Mountain has brought forth a mouse. 大山生出小耗子。294

movers and shakers 原动力和摇动力294

much ado about nothing 无事生非295

much cry and little wool 叫得凶而羊毛少295

mumbo jumbo 怪诞的偶像295

Murphy's law 墨菲定律295

Muses 缪斯296

music of Amphion 安菲翁的音乐296

music vessel 音乐血管296

My breast has two souls. 我胸中有两个灵魂。297

my eyeball and my princess 我的眼珠,我的爱妃297

My tongue cleaveth to my jaws. 舌头贴在我的牙床上。297

Myrmidon 密耳弥多涅人298


Naboth's vineyard 拿伯的葡萄园299

naked emperor 赤身裸体的皇帝299

naked truth 赤裸的真实299

Narcissus'love 那耳喀索斯的自恋300

natural selection 自然选择300

Nature's nobleman 天然贵族300

neither rhyme nor reason 既无韵律,又无条理301

Nelson touch 纳尔逊风格301

Nénies 涅尼亚301

Nereids 海中女神涅瑞伊得斯302

Nero fiddled while Rome burned. 罗马城火灾时,尼禄在弹琴。302

Nessus' blood coat 涅索斯的血衣302

never-unattended wedding 从未参加的婚礼303

never understand this world 再也不理解这个世界303

Never wear a brown hat in Friesland. 身在弗里斯兰,莫戴棕色帽。303

New Jerusalem 新耶路撒冷304

nibble operations 蚕食活动304

nickname 绰号(或别名)304

night of the long knives 长刀之夜305

Niobe's agony 尼俄柏的悲痛305

nirvāna 涅槃305

no day without its line 无一日不作画一幅306

No lie is out of truth. 没有虚谎是从真理出来的。306

No man puts new wine into old bottles. 无人把新酒装在旧瓶里。306

No names,no pack-drill. 不检举,不受罚。306

Noah's Ark 挪亚方舟307

Not all the days are dusk! 并非所有的日子已黄昏!307

not dance after one's piep(tune) 笛声中不跳舞308

not make unto thee any graven image 不可为自己雕偶像308

not respect persons 不要注重人的外貌308

not set at a pin's fee 视某物不值一枚钉308

Not to be anvil,but to be hammer. 不做铁砧,就做铁锤。309

not to be worthy to unloose the latchet of his shoes 给他解鞋带都不配309

not to please ourselves 不求己悦309

nothing like leather 还是皮子的最好310

nothing wavering 一点不疑惑310

Now lettest,depart in peace. 如今可以释放了。310

Now,the clock is striking thirteen! 现在,时钟敲了13下!311


O,holy simplicity! 啊,神圣的单纯!312

occupy the high place of the street 占据街道的高处312

odour of sanctity 圣洁的气味312

Odysseus 奥德修斯(或俄底修斯)313

Oedipus complex俄狄浦斯情结(或恋母情结)313

offer the right hand of fellowship 用右手行相交之礼313

offsprings of Barabbas 巴拉巴子孙314

Oh,the times!Oh,the manners! 呵,时代!呵,世风!314

Olympian 奥林匹斯神315

Olympus 群神会315

Omphalos(navel)of the earth 地球的肚脐315

on(at)the Greek Calends(Kalends) 拖到希腊卡连德日316

One jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass. 一点一画不能少。316

one nail drives out another 一钉入,一钉出316

One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成春。317

one's daily bread 日用饮食317

only a B.O.F. 不过是B.0.F317

only a Philistine 不过是腓尼基人318

Only cuckoo knows. 只有杜鹃知道。318

Only the first step is hard. 只有第一步是艰难的。318

Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. 只有穿鞋人才知鞋太紧。319

Open,sesame! 芝麻开门!319

oracle of sieve and shears 筛剪抚乩法319

orgy(orgie) 祭酒神仪式320

original sin 原罪320

Orpheus'song 俄耳甫斯的歌声321

Osiris 冥神奥西里斯321

ostracism 贝壳放逐法321

Othello's tragedy 奥赛罗的悲剧322

out-Herod Herod 比希律王还希律王322

out-king king 比国王还要国王322

out of his nostrils goes smoke 鼻孔冒烟323

Ovidian metamorphoses 奥维狄乌斯的变化323


Paddy wagon 派迪车324

pain of wisdom 智慧的痛苦324

paint(gild)the lily 给百合花涂粉324

painted Jezeble 浓妆艳抹的耶洗别325

Panacea 女医神帕那刻亚325

Pandora's box 潘多拉的盒子325

Panic fear 潘的恐吓326

Paphian's children 爱神帕福斯的孩子326

Paris is worth a Mass. 巴黎抵得上弥撒。326

Paris 帕里斯327

Parthian arrow(shot) 帕提亚人的箭327

paschal lamb 逾越节的羔羊327

pass the buck 把银元传下去328

pass under the yoke 从轭下走过328

patience on a monument 墓碑的坚忍328

Paul Bunyan 保罗·布尼安328

pay through the nose 用鼻子偿付329

Peace be unto you! 愿你们平安!329

peeping Tom 偷看的汤姆329

Penates 珀那忒斯(或家神)330

Penelope's web 珀涅罗珀的织物330

perform the real egg dance 表演真正的鸡蛋舞331

Perseus'accomplishment 珀尔修斯的业绩331

person of bag and cord 口袋和绳子人331

Peter's bitter weeping 彼得的痛哭332

phalanx 方阵332

Pharaoh's lean fleshed kine 法老的瘦牛332

Philemon and Baucis 菲勒蒙和包客斯333

Philippics 反腓力词333

Philomela 菲罗墨拉333

philosopher's stone 哲人石(或点金石)334

phoenix from its ashes 火中凤凰334

Pierian spring 帕依尔泉水334

pillar of cloud and pillar offire 云柱与火柱335

pinone's heart upon one's sleeve 把心别在衣袖上335

Pindus 品都斯山335

Piso's justice 皮索的公道335

pitiful devil 可怜的魔鬼336

plagues of Egypt 埃及瘟疫336

Platonic love 柏拉图式恋爱336

play possum 装作负鼠337

play the hypocrite 装成伪君子337

play the violin to send sb.off 拉着提琴送客337

play to the gallery 向顶楼观众邀宠338

Pleiades 普里阿得斯七姊妹338

plucked the spoil out of his teeth 从他牙齿中夺了所抢的338

plummet of mercy 仁慈一击339

plural wife(s) 多妻制339

political philistine 政治庸人339

pool of Siloam 西罗亚的池子339

poor in spirit 虚心的人340

pottage of lentils 红豆汤340

Pour out the seven vials of wrath on the earth. 把大怒的七碗倒在地上。340

power of darkness 黑暗掌权341

powers that be 掌权者341

present of Ceres 刻瑞斯的礼物341

presents of Pomona and Flora 波摩娜和佛罗拉的礼物342

Priamos(Priam) 普里阿摩斯342

Priapus'works 普里阿波斯的著作342

pride goes before destruction 骄者必败343

priest's craft 祭司的伎俩343

primrose path 樱草花间的小径343

prince charming 白马王子343

princess and the pea 豌豆上的公主344

proclaimed upon the housetops 在屋顶被人宣扬344

Procrustean bed 普罗克拉斯提斯的床344

prodigal son 回头的浪子345

Prometheus' fire 普罗米修斯之火345

prophet hath no honour in his own country 先知在家乡无人尊敬345

Proteus entertainer(s)(performer) 普洛透斯式演员346

Psyche knot 普赛克发髻346

pull strings 幕后操纵绳索346

put on new man 重新做人347

put on the black cap 戴上黑帽子347

put on the hairshirt 穿上粗毛衬衣347

put one's foot on sb.'s neck 把脚踏在颈项上348

put out one's candle 吹灭某人生日蜡烛348

put sb.in a straitjacket 让某人穿紧身衣348

put sb.on the donkey 把某人放在驴背上348

put sb.under the foot of the wall 置某人于墙脚下349

put somebody on the shield 把某人抬上盾牌349

put sth.into blue 放在蓝色里349

put sth.on the tablecloth 拿到台布上350

put the hand to the plough 手扶着犁350

put the hook in the nose 用钩子勾鼻子350

put the horn on sb.'s head 给某人头上安角351

put to the horn 吹起牛角号351

put up again the sword into the place 收刀入鞘351

Pygmalion and Galatea 皮格马利翁与伽拉忒亚352

Pyrrhic victory 皮洛士的胜利352

Pythia's prophecy 皮提亚的预言352


Quatre Mendiants 托钵修会354

Queen of Sheba 示巴女王354

quench the smoking flax 吹灭将残的灯火354


Rabbi(Rabbin) 拉比356

rain cats and dogs 下猫狗雨356

rain falls on the just and the unjust 甘霖普降于善人与恶人356

rats desert a sinking ship 船沉鼠先逃357

reason of law and prophets 律法和先知的道理357

red cock will crow in one's house 红公鸡在某人屋顶啼叫357

red hat 红色无檐帽358

reed shaken by the wind 风中芦苇358

Requiescat in Peace 愿灵安眠358

requisition from Semele 塞墨勒的要求358

rest on one's laurels 躺在桂冠上359

return to Ithcae 重返伊塔刻岛359

Revolutions are not made with rose water. 革命不是靠优柔手段而成功。359

Revolutions are the locomotives of history. 革命是历史的火车头。360

rich as Croesus 像克罗索斯一样富有360

riches of Solomon 所罗门的财富360

riding on Pegasus 骑上神马361

ride the stang 骑木杆游街361

ring of Amasis 亚马西斯的戒指361

Robin Hood's pennyworth 罗宾汉的便宜货362

rogue's march 逐客曲362

Roland for an Oliver 罗兰与奥利弗362

Roman holiday 罗马假日363

Romero and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶363

Romulus 罗穆路斯363

root of the matter 惹事的根364

rose-garden rubbish 玫瑰园的废话364

row someone up Salt Water 把某人渡到盐河上游364

run with a Jew's Lance 手持犹太人的长矛奔跑364

rush told the truth 灯心草见真情365

Ruth gleaneth 罗得拾麦穗365


sail under false colours 挂假旗出航366

salt of the earth(world) 世上的盐366

Samian letter Y 萨摩斯人的字母Y366

Samson's strength 参孙的力气367

Sandman is about. 瞌睡神来了。367

Sansculotte 无套裤衩367

Sardinian laughter 撒丁之笑367

Sarpedon's age 萨耳珀冬的年纪368

Satan reproving sin 责人之罪的撒旦368

Satanic School 撒旦派368

Satyr(us) 萨堤洛斯369

say it with flowers 借花说话369

scales fell from his eyes 鳞从眼中脱落369

scarlet letter A 猩红的A字370

scarlet woman 红衣女人370

school for scandal 造谣学校370

screwball club 怪人俱乐部371

scrabble on the gate of the city 在城门上胡写乱画371

Scribes and Pharisees 文士与法利赛人371

seamy side 衣服里子372

search one's heart 扪心自问372

see one's back parts 见到后背372

see one's nose 观察鼻相372

see visions 见到异象(或幻象)373

seek a woman! 去找女人吧!373

Selene 月神塞勒涅373

seize the devil by the tail 抓住魔鬼尾巴374

send beer(ale)to Munich 往慕尼黑运啤酒374

send sb.to April 送某人到4月份374

send to Coventry 送到考文垂375

separate the husk from the grain 区分稗子与麦子375

serpent's eye 蛇怪的目光375

set birds at liberty 宣布鸟的自由376

settle sth.by hammer 击锤解决376

seven against Thebes 七雄大战底比斯376

seven thunders 七雷377

shake the dust off one's feet 把脚上的尘土跺下去377

shaking or stirring of the dry bones 枯骨复生377

sharp two-edged sword 双刃利剑378

She is not dead,but sleepeth 她不是死了,是睡着了。378

Shibboleth 示播列378

shiver like aspen leaves 像杨树叶一样颤抖379

short-lived Caliph 一时的哈里发379

show one's horns 露出犄角379

signs of the times 时代的征兆380

Silence gives consent. 沉默即同意。380

Silver-Fork School 银叉派381

Simon Pure 西蒙·普尔381

sinless income 无罪的收入381

sins of the youth 幼年的罪孽382

Sisyphus'labour 西绪福斯的苦役382

sit above the salt 坐在盐钵上首382

sit behind Swedish curtain 坐在瑞典的窗帘后面382

skeleton at the feast 宴席上的骷髅383

Skinner's box 斯金纳的箱子383

slay the children 杀尽男童383

sleep like a clog 睡得像木鞋384

sleep on a bed of roses 睡玫瑰床384

slip between the cup and the lip 吃到嘴才算数384

slow and steady wins the race 慢而稳却取胜384

snake in the bosom 暖在怀里的蛇385

Socratic humour 苏格拉底式幽默385

Soldier who doesn't want to be a general isn't a good one. 不想当将军的士兵不是好兵。385

some person in a gray gown 穿灰衣袍的人386

somebody walking on one's grave 有人在坟上走386

someone's name is mud 某人的名字叫污泥386

something about sausage 事关香肠387

sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal 鸣锣响钹387

soul of Pedro Garcias 佩德罗·加西亚斯之灵387

sound mind in a sound body 健全的精神寓于健全的体魄中388

sow dragon's teeth 播种龙牙388

Sow in tears,reap in joy. 流泪撒种的,必欢呼收割。388

Sow the wind,and reap the whirlwind. 种的是风,收的是风暴。389

Spartan life 斯巴达式生活389

speak by the card 按照罗经讲话389

speak French as a Spanish cow. 法语讲得像西班牙母牛。290

speak German 讲德语290

Speak of angels,and you will hear their wings 说到天使,天使就飞至。290

speak under the roses 在玫瑰花下说话391

Sphinx's riddle 斯芬克斯之谜391

spill salt on the bill 往账单上撒盐391

Spirit is indeed willing,but the flesh is weak. 心灵固然愿意,肉体却软弱了。392

sprinkle dust upon one's head 把灰撒在自己头上392

squaw campaign 讨伐印第安女人的战役392

state machinery 国家机器392

St.Martin's summer 圣·马丁之夏393

St.Valentine's Day gift 圣·瓦伦丁节的礼物393

star-chamber 星室法庭393

stargazer(astrologer) 占星家394

star of David 大卫王之星394

steal someone's thunder 窃取某人的雷声394

Stentor's voice 斯屯托耳的嗓门395

Still water runs deep. 静水流深。395

stingy knight 吝啬的骑士395

Stoic 斯多葛学派396

Stones would immediately cry out. 石头必要呼叫起来。396

stool of repentance 悔过之凳396

storm in a teacup 杯水风暴397

strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. 滤出蠓虫,吞下骆驼。397

stumbling stone 绊脚石397

subtil serpent 狡猾的蛇398

Such goes the glory of the world! 世界的荣耀就这样走过!398

Sun never sets on. 太阳永不落。398

sun of Austerlitz 奥斯特里茨的太阳399

sun of righteousness 公义的日头399

sup with pluto 与普路同共餐399

Superman 超人399

supply sb.with a meal 供某人饭吃400

suspicion of Procris 普洛克里斯的猜疑400

swallow a broom stick 吞吃了扫帚柄400

swallow snake 吞下游蛇401

swan song 天鹅歌声401

sweet and twenty 双十佳人401

sword of Damocles 达摩克利斯剑402

sword of the Spirit圣灵宝剑402

Sybarite 锡巴里斯人402


take out a quarter 拿出1/4403

take silk 穿上丝袍403

take the tide at the flood 赶着潮头403

take time by the forelock 抓前额那绺头发404

take up the begging stick 拿起讨饭棍404

take up the gauntlet 拾起手套404

talk to Buncombe 对邦克姆讲话404

talk turkey 谈论火鸡405

Tantalus'torments 坦塔罗斯的磨难405

teachings of Balaam 巴兰的教训405

tears of Aurora 奥罗拉的眼泪406

Tell it not in Gath! 不要在迦特报告!406

Ten Commandments 十诫406

Terpsichore 歌舞女神忒耳普西科瑞407

Tethys 忒堤斯407

Thalia 塔利亚407

That's the rub. 阻碍就在这里。408

That happened in the reign of Queen Dick. 这是迪克女皇王朝的事。408

That reversed waterthat goes downstream in going upstream. 那条反向的河在逆流时顺流。408

That thou doest,do quickly! 你所做的快做吧!409

the Dove and the Hawk 鸽派和鹰派409

the Sophists 诡辩派(或诡辩家)409

Their name is Legion. 他们的名字叫“群”。410

Themis'scale 忒弥斯的天平秤410

theory of natural rights 天赋人权论410

There are judges in Berlin. 柏林还是有法官的。411

There buried a black hound. 那里埋着黑狗。411

There is but a step between me and death. 离死不过一步。411

There is death in the pot. 锅里有致死的事物。412

There is no new thing under the sun. 阳光之下无新事。412

