

  • 钟啸尘,卢丽英编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国建材工业出版社
  • ISBN:7801592484
  • 出版时间:2002
  • 标注页数:267页
  • 文件大小:7MB
  • 文件页数:281页
  • 主题词:


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1. How to Survive Culture Shock(1)1

2. How to Sutvive Culture Shock(2)4

3. Three Days to See7

4. Footprints Only10

5. The Travellers and the Bear13

6. Labor and Man15

7. Universities Surrounded by Walls(1)17

8. Universities Surrounded by Walls(2)19

9. My First Lesson in How to Live as a Negro(1)21

10. My First Lesson in How to Live as a Negro(2)25

11. Build up Your Own Business28

12. The Gettysburg Address31

13. Death of President Lincoln34

14. The Shooting of the Buffalo36

15. The Three New Yorks39

16. Ways of Communication41

17. Air Jordan43

18. On My Mother's Birthday46

19. Autumn-the Harvest Season48

20. All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy50

21. How to Behave in an Interview53

22. Don't Give Up55

23. Color and Life57

24. Advertising60

25. companionship of Books62

26. The Old Man and the Sea65

27. Buliders of HP67

28. Alcohol and Death69

29. How the Americans View Love71

30. What is Stress?73

31. Gratuitous Gratuities74

32. The Sounds of England77

33. Youth79

34. Return of the Dirty Weekend81

35. I Love You...Not83

36. The All-Encompassing Environment85

37. On the Importance of People87

38. Missing Persons in Great Britain89

39. Rise f the U.S.Superpower91

40. Bill Gates in His Boyhood94

41. Nobel Prize Speech by William Faulkner(1)96

42. Nobel Prize Speech by William Faulkner(2)98

43. First Inaugural Address by Franklin D.Roosevelt102

44. Of Beauty104

45. Of Envy107

46. President Bush's Remarks to the Nation109

47. The First Snow111

48. Pines113

49. The House-cricket115

50. An Hour Before Sunrise117

51. the Flight of Youth118

52. The Importance of Scientific Experiments120

53. Night in the Open World123

54. A Little Girl125

55. Happy Lift at a Tavern128

56. An Important Aspect of College Life130

57. The Dervish and the Four Robbers132

58. Night135

59. Walking to the Seacoast138

60. A Momentous Arrest141

61. The Difference Between a Brain and a Computer143

62. Grandma's Last Day145

63. The Subway Station147

64. Children of Two Nations151

65. Two Views of Time153

66. "I Love You""156

67. The Natural Superiority of Women158

68. Students and Drugs160

69. Thursday Morning in a New York Subway Station162

70. This Man Has Expired164

71. August167

72. Nostalgia169

73. Writers170

74. Inaugural Address172

75. Guidance174

76. Youth and Lost Youth176

77. Boyhood Remenbered178

78. George Washington180

79. When You Are Old181

80. Three Passions183

81. Life Worth Living186

82. College Days189

83. The Battle of Waterloo191

84. Gratuity193

85. Don't Wreck Your Kids'Lives195

86. The Failures of the American Press197

87. The Intellectual Property Rights199

88. Applying For a New Boss202

89. The Electronic Mail Is Still "Electronic Prison"204

90. The Science of Persuasion206

91. The Sassy Generation208

92. Graded by My Students(1)210

93. Graded by My Students(2)212

94. Cloned Babies in Two Years215

95. What If?216

96. WTO Entry Poses No Threat219

97. Making Friends with Americans221

98. Life Is a Test .It Is Only a Test224

99. "Zero Tolerance"Lowers New York Crime Rate226

100. Love228

101. Rush232

102. An Ordinary Home-Cooked Meal236

103. Henry Kissinger240

104. A Lesson From My Son(1)244

105. A Lesson From My Son(2)248

106. A Daughter Thanks Her Mother252

107. Why Do Chinese Look Down On Chinese Names?(1)254

108. Why Do Chinese Look Down On Chinese Names?(2)257

109. That"Other Woman"in My Life(1)261

110. That"Other Woman"in My Life(2)263
